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ignoring it is a way of protesting against it.that is a solution. but that has to be done by every one .maligning our national leaders in full view of public should not be accepted by any indian.
I don't know what could be done in respect of a matter over which there is so little control!
Ya I also think that the limiting factor here should be insult. People cannot be given the right to insult others. We should also give respect to the feelings of others too.
Ya I also think that the limiting factor here should be insult. People cannot be given the right to insult others. We should also give respect to the feelings of others too.

correct now that government has gone a bit back in the remains to be seen what is going to happen..
Any responsible and responsive social networking is bound to take note of the strong sentiments expressed in this regard. In fact, the site has already promised that!
Any responsible and responsive social networking is bound to take note of the strong sentiments expressed in this regard. In fact, the site has already promised that!

they have also said that every thing published is in accordance with the indian rules and regulations and that the sites do not have any obligation to remove any content.
If that is the stand it is most unfortunate! I am not sure if it is true. As far as my legal knowledge goes, anything that goes agains public policy,morality is strictly viewed under Indian laws.
that statement was released by google authorities after discusiions with facebook and other sociial networking sites.
The misuse of a new age tool like this is a fairly anticipated event and I believe all these sites would adequately equip themselves to guard against it!
Sonia Gandhi profile has been defaced by hackers.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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