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Looking at it pragmatically I think the Congress leadership would have been better advised not to make too much out of this issue!
Looking at it pragmatically I think the Congress leadership would have been better advised not to make too much out of this issue!

i agree......... this issue would become another dead end for them..
Facebook authorities have already promised to take action but the largest and oldest political party need not that 'touchy' on this. What is obnoxious is better left as such!
It has been reiterated by Kapil Sibal that there is no move to introduce censorship. But freedom of expression does not extend to insulting prominent personalities and religion. Expression of thoughts is not same as expression of insult.

For more comprehensive view, the links below are relevant.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: VISHNU
what we must understand is that by doing this, we are destroying the image of our country among the world. Facebook is seen by millons of people.
We all are reponsible for destroying our countries image.But there are also other countries videos also here.

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I think this issue should not be hyped so much. Drawing attention will instigate occurrences of similar nature even more. what makes this issue ridiculous is that these very people do not hesitate to throw chairs at each other, berate each other in loud voices, curse each other and even go for others's throats, in full public view during live sessions of Loksabha. These hysterics are viewed by millions around the world!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I think this issue should not be hyped so much. Drawing attention will instigate occurrences of similar nature even more. what makes this issue ridiculous is that these very people do not hesitate to throw chairs at each other, berate each other in loud voices, curse each other and even go for others's throats, in full public view during live sessions of Loksabha. These hysterics are viewed by millions around the world!

The politicians do not behave well in parliament. However this cannot be an excuse for condoning the deliberate insult of our leaders and religious sentiments by foreign based internet sources.

However there are some difficulties in weeding out undesirable contents from the sites.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: deepak
Gulshan, I agree with your views. It is really a despicable thing to malign national leaders. My only point is that they should not overhype this type of issues, it only draws more attention. Eg. after media made famous the Iraqi who threw a shoe at Bush, it was an act that repeated by many around the world!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Greater wisdom lies in ignoring it.Who knows one day there would be a separate ministry and minister to oversee this!!!
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