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Sheetal kamble can you share that link to us so that we also can read that one.
This is a link which mentions that african mangoes helps to loose weight.
But anyways excess of any mangoes will cause weight gain even if they r african mangoes.

Even amruth in excess turns poison :cheer:

Meera sandhu
Now the season of mango and lichi so don't get fear and enjoy to take it. :P :P :woohoo:
Now the season of mango and lichi so don't get fear and enjoy to take it. :P :P :woohoo:

Lichy is very expensive here. What's its price there?

Meera sandhu
Now the season of mango and lichi so don't get fear and enjoy to take it. :P :P :woohoo:

Lichy is very expensive here. What's its price there?

It is 85/kg in Delhi. :evil:

But it is cheaper in Bihar,from where it is supplied to different places. :)
Some fruits help us in putting on weight and some help on in loosing the weight. So we should choose the fruits according to its characteristics and advantages

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Some fruits help us in putting on weight and some help on in loosing the weight. So we should choose the fruits according to its characteristics and advantages

Banana is the one which increase weight as people take it with milk in the morning to gain weight. :)
Some fruits help us in putting on weight and some help on in loosing the weight. So we should choose the fruits according to its characteristics and advantages

Banana is the one which increase weight as people take it with milk in the morning to gain weight. :)

This is a nice tips shared to gain weight.
By eating dry fruits daily of 10 grams, you weight will surely increase

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes dry fruits are good to gain weight and they r very nutritious too.. They should be taken in moderate quantity only..
Yes dry fruits are good to gain weight and they r very nutritious too.. They should be taken in moderate quantity only..

I have heard some dry fruits contain Fat.Is it true?

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