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If approved then share some sweet among us. We are waiting.

OK Ram i will distribute. [/quote]
Thank you.
Surely I will share it.. Can any one tell me how to send request to other users here?

I am still waiting for my query.. Can anyone have the answer? :whistle:

Go to your right side in profile and there is a button for personal mail.You can use it.
Sanjeev don't loose hope. Try to improve and surely it will get cash credit.

Thanks Ram for the motivation. :)

But still i need lot of improvements as i have to learn lot of things about writing articles and surely will learn it with time and experience. :)

Oh come on man, You can do it. You must read a few to know how does it work.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Hope so suny this time they will approve mine but can't say what award they give for them :) .Its not easy for me to write articles but hope i will learn it by the time. :)
Go to your right side in profile and there is a button for personal mail.You can use it.

But how to send friend request using that??

To invite friends, at the left side in the menu , there is invite friends button below the document button. So just click on the invite friends and give your friends mail ids and send.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

use every minutes you be leisure or keep a target that per day you will gain a specific number of points or everyday write an article of 1000 words.

Suppose the article is less than 1000 words, would it not attract any cash credit. I read in FAQ that the accept any thing over 300 words, may be they pay lesser for that. Is that right?

Hey Suny do you count words when you write articles? :)

I think they have mentioned in FAQs they accept articles more than 300 words. :)

Are you serious? MS word counts them while you check for correction or spell check. Therefore, one must use word for writing although I am confused as they say here that we must write on notepad. So I transfer it to notepad after writing on MS word.

If you want to earn more, number of words really count. IT articles can earn you more, also rare articles, articles about latest technology, mobile etc.

I just have a doubt...can anyone clear it??
I type my article in notepad and transfer it to Ms-word to check mistakes and to take word count. But later, when I paste the article from notepad to text editor, I have always found, total number of words is decreasing...word count shows a number less than that was shown while checked with Ms-word. Can anyone tell me its reason?

Meera sandhu
To invite friends, at the left side in the menu , there is invite friends button below the document button. So just click on the invite friends and give your friends mail ids and send.

Can't we send friend requests to current users of this site!! Like social sites. :huh:

To invite friends, at the left side in the menu , there is invite friends button below the document button. So just click on the invite friends and give your friends mail ids and send.

Can't we send friend requests to current users of this site!! Like social sites. :huh:

Of course we can.
If you can't, then send a PM to that person and ask him to add you as his friend. If he do so, you can approve his pending approval status, after going to your community tab.

Meera sandhu
Thank you said by: AKP
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