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I told in another thread also.....
It took 4-5 years to search an old friend of mine.....She is now residing in Thrissur main town, just 6-7 kms away from me. That was the reason I searched her for years, from first time I came to Thrissur, before 5 years. Then we got shifted to Kodungallur again came back last year.
When I got her number last year, within 2 minutes I called her with great happiness. The first question came from her, what are you doing now? :evil: . If she ask that question now, I can tell, "Am writing articles online". But that time, I was just a house wife. I replied so.
"So, you are not working?", was her answer. Suddenly, I felt bad. She is working as a teacher in an aided school. I could feel a feeling of happiness in her words which hurt me a lot. Whole through the talk, she was asking about my job and I was searching reasons to give her behind my unemployed status. We were talking after 7-8 years. Yet :( :( . She was not a brilliant student that time and I was......That's the reason why she was feeling very happy. Total coldness in her talk. She didn't call me later also (except once after 4 or 5 months). No invitation to home or a plan of get together......nothing!!!!
Such insults are common Sanjeev, not only from friends, but also from relatives too!! Many times I have suffered such insults in life. Money matters a lot in most people's eyes. That's the main reason why I always felt the need of a job. But as soon as I joined here, I am getting more self respect and a feeling that, "Hum kise se kum nahin". Thanks Boddunan :cheer:

Meera sandhu
I told in another thread also.....
It took 4-5 years to search an old friend of mine.....She is now residing in Thrissur main town, just 6-7 kms away from me. That was the reason I searched her for years, from first time I came to Thrissur, before 5 years. Then we got shifted to Kodungallur again came back last year.
When I got her number last year, within 2 minutes I called her with great happiness. The first question came from her, what are you doing now? :evil: . If she ask that question now, I can tell, "Am writing articles online". But that time, I was just a house wife. I replied so.
"So, you are not working?", was her answer. Suddenly, I felt bad. She is working as a teacher in an aided school. I could feel a feeling of happiness in her words which hurt me a lot. Whole through the talk, she was asking about my job and I was searching reasons to give her behind my unemployed status. We were talking after 7-8 years. Yet :( :( . She was not a brilliant student that time and I was......That's the reason why she was feeling very happy. Total coldness in her talk. She didn't call me later also (except once after 4 or 5 months). No invitation to home or a plan of get together......nothing!!!!
Such insults are common Sanjeev, not only from friends, but also from relatives too!! Many times I have suffered such insults in life. Money matters a lot in most people's eyes. That's the main reason why I always felt the need of a job. But as soon as I joined here, I am getting more self respect and a feeling that, "Hum kise se kum nahin". Thanks Boddunan :cheer:

Even I have such instances in my like.Few years back I met an old friend from my college though he was not a good student but he was working with an OEM - Maruti and is earning thrice of my salary and he was shocked to know my salary and the company where I am working presntly as mine is his supplier that hurt me but the fact is I never gave any importance to money I always tried to live with my parents that is the reason I have been lot more behind than the people of my batch.I got many offers in many companies offering me better salary but I never considered them as I don't want to leave my place.I don't regret for it as what ever I am earning is more than sufficient for me and my family but at the end of the day when I think about I feel distress as I know I was more talented than others in my school and college but I could not prove it practically in life. :(
Sanjeev, only fools think that earning big amount of salary is the most successive thing of life, also best satisfaction of life. But very often, big amount can give you only tensions and no satisfactions. It's better to remain with family members with love and sharing everything than living alone in a far away world with handful of money and no one to share money, happiness, sorrows or emotions.
Also, even if we are earning a big amount, but suffering from some incurable disease what's the use of money we earn? Nothing.
I give first preference to family and its love bond than any other which gives me more satisfaction and happiness tahn anything.

Meera sandhu
Thank you said by: Sanjeev Gupta
Satisfaction gives fulfillness in to our life. With money or without money some may satisfy with everything. It is the status of mind.
Satisfaction gives fulfillness in to our life. With money or without money some may satisfy with everything. It is the status of mind.

Yes it person perception someone may feel satisfied when he/she is with his/her loved one only and someone may feel satisfied when he/she has plenty of money. :blink:
I am satisfied in my life.But some time I feel that I am not satisfied.I think that my life is empty.

Sharmistha Banerjee
I am satisfied in my life.But some time I feel that I am not satisfied.I think that my life is empty.

This happens with everyone sometime when we are alone or in tough situation and have no one near us we feel like that only.But we should not it seriously but try to overcome such feelings. :blink:
I am satisfy with my life. I will try to get more satisfaction in my life always..

Funny videos on youtube...check it out friends...
We should accept what we get in our life i am really satisfied what i am having now.
I am satisfied in my life.But some time I feel that I am not satisfied.I think that my life is empty.

This happens with everyone sometime when we are alone or in tough situation and have no one near us we feel like that only.But we should not it seriously but try to overcome such feelings. :blink:

I was reading a story about a saint and his disciple.The saint receives food,money and other offerings from other people and has no need to do anything but he is very particular about doing his daily chores like growing vegetables in his garden which he asks the disciples to sell so that they earn some money which he carefully puts away. The disciple asks him where is the need to do this since they already get enough and the saint tells him that the day he stops doing things and remains satisfied with what he has got will be the last day of his life, since no one can become stagnant in life.Satisfaction is momentary and as long as you keep on striving and reap small rewards you will remain at peace..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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