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Yes, I like doing fix-up jobs around the house whenever things need mending. In my house, I am the one usually wielding a screwdriver and a hammer, more than my husband, he hates them! :lol:

I even fixed my router day before when man from service provider was not available. This is fun to use my laptop sitting in dining room in place of routine computer table where socket of the broadband is fixed .

Wow! So you are a technical guy too!!! :)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I am more of the creative type so I mostly do the job of interior decoration for my house. ;)
I am very active during the festivals especially Diwali , house decoration is completely my department. :cheer:

Live in the present :)
Yes, I like doing fix-up jobs around the house whenever things need mending. In my house, I am the one usually wielding a screwdriver and a hammer, more than my husband, he hates them! :lol:

I even fixed my router day before when man from service provider was not available. This is fun to use my laptop sitting in dining room in place of routine computer table where socket of the broadband is fixed .

Wow! So you are a technical guy too!!! :)

Technical guy! I am a mechanical engineer with expertise in welding technology. Next time you can consult me if any thing goes wrong with your gate and grills. :laugh:

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Yes, I like doing fix-up jobs around the house whenever things need mending. In my house, I am the one usually wielding a screwdriver and a hammer, more than my husband, he hates them! :lol:

I even fixed my router day before when man from service provider was not available. This is fun to use my laptop sitting in dining room in place of routine computer table where socket of the broadband is fixed .

Wow! So you are a technical guy too!!! :)

Technical guy! I am a mechanical engineer with expertise in welding technology. Next time you can consult me if any thing goes wrong with your gate and grills. :laugh:

Oh that's great!! Next time I have a problem like that, I will definitely consult you!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I don't have washing machine and all. I used to my clothes on the week end. :blush:
I noticed that most of the electrical problems are due to minor faults such as fuse problem, short circuit caused by connecting the live and neutral wire etc. So, I have learned to look out for these minor problems and repair them myself. But I still call the electrician for the bigger problems

Yes I too do that :) like extending wires and taking a new light connection from an already existing one through a wire and a holder and such minor works which is not difficult at all...I also like painting windows and even walls which can be fun since you get an opportunity to experiment with different shades ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

I noticed that most of the electrical problems are due to minor faults such as fuse problem, short circuit caused by connecting the live and neutral wire etc. So, I have learned to look out for these minor problems and repair them myself. But I still call the electrician for the bigger problems

Yes I too do that :) like extending wires and taking a new light connection from an already existing one through a wire and a holder and such minor works which is not difficult at all...I also like painting windows and even walls which can be fun since you get an opportunity to experiment with different shades ..

That really must be fun! :) Even though I want to do it I never get an opportunity as my brother do it himself.
Yes, I like doing fix-up jobs around the house whenever things need mending. In my house, I am the one usually wielding a screwdriver and a hammer, more than my husband, he hates them! :lol:

This is a matter of personal interest and hobby. The items like painting, gardening, electrical fittings need some skill, which everyone does not possess.

Yes, that is true! But in reality my husband possesses a lot of talents in all these things. He can even teach an experience carpenter a thing or two, but he hates doing small jobs!! Give him a big project and he is happy, but not the small ones, thank you, they are for the wifey!!! :laugh: :laugh:

LOL, most men love pottering around the house.In our place we had a work table fixed on one side of the garage and added a few shelves so that my hubby could do all his work there.Later he wanted it extended and a few more shelves added and there was just enough place for the car.Finally now, the car remains half outside since the garage is filled with his stuff which is ever growing.Now he wants another garage built for the car so that he can have the older one as a work shop...Once people start doing things on their own they get completely immersed in it !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Yes, I like doing fix-up jobs around the house whenever things need mending. In my house, I am the one usually wielding a screwdriver and a hammer, more than my husband, he hates them! :lol:

I think you are my mother.
She do every job..her hands reach everywhere.....even electric wires or electric motor.....cable, repairing small things etc etc....But my father is not at all interested. May be because mother is doing everything :woohoo: :woohoo:

Meera sandhu
Here labour is very, for cleaning grass on the courtyard, I will do it maximum....thus saving 500 or more. It's a good exercise too!!! If we are able to see such tasks as exercise, we will really enjoy it. Save a little money too!!!

Meera sandhu
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