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We don't have any servant. So I do our daily routine jobs, like cleaning, washing cloths and many more in house.

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We don't have any servant. So I do our daily routine jobs, like cleaning, washing cloths and many more in house.

That is household chores that we do every day not anything out of the way like fixing something that is broken or ding some other much needed jobs around the house without calling a technician, electrician or a carpenter as the case may be...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

We don't have servant in my house. We only used to do our daily routine jobs.

We can do our daily (routine) works on our own. No need of servants.

Born to express, not to impress.
We all know that labor has become very expensive these days and getting even a small job done eats into our budget ! So many people nowadays do DIY ( Do It Yourself ) jobs around the house.which has many added benefits.We save money, learn something new,become inventive and get a lot of job satisfaction....Please add some DIY ideas that you know of and are good at...

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Doing all hosehold works and other simple works helps us keep us physically fit.

Born to express, not to impress.
Thank you said by: usha manohar
I have play the role of painter, carpenter and sometime even cleaning the bathrooms... Most of the electrical work is handled by my brother and I help him while doing it.
Thank you said by: usha manohar
I love to do work of my house own.this durga puja I ask a painter to paint the doors and windows of the house he charged a heavy rate which I know could not be so much.So i decided to paint it on my own.And ultimately I took the bucket of the color and start ed to paint the doors and windows.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Thank you said by: usha manohar
We all know that labor has become very expensive these days and getting even a small job done eats into our budget ! So many people nowadays do DIY ( Do It Yourself ) jobs around the house.which has many added benefits.We save money, learn something new,become inventive and get a lot of job satisfaction....Please add some DIY ideas that you know of and are good at...

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My DIY jobs are not restricted to household chores alone. I do my own Photo lamination, framing my paintings and changing the decorative patterns of my drapery from to time
Thank you said by: usha manohar
We all know that labor has become very expensive these days and getting even a small job done eats into our budget ! So many people nowadays do DIY ( Do It Yourself ) jobs around the house.which has many added benefits.We save money, learn something new,become inventive and get a lot of job satisfaction....Please add some DIY ideas that you know of and are good at...

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I love doing gardening works at my home. Besides, it is my favourite pass time.

Born to express, not to impress.
I too like to try my hand at everything whether it comes out perfect or not, I do it anyway, like carpentry jobs,painting old furniture even restoration etc, also make patch work quilts and sofa covers and stuff like that, more than anything I like the idea of experimenting and learning new things..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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