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no one cleared my doubt yet...
what's the milk prices of North india?

Depends on the variety one uses. The one I use is priced at 40 rupees a liter. :dry: The skimmed milk will be a little lower I guess. I will confirm and then let you know soon.

This is so high when compared with us.

ya...that's why I am also wondering.....
I think she is saying 40rs per I right Asha?

Sorry for the mistake that is a childhood mistake that I find hard to overcome. :huh:

then tell will you take your weight?
In litres? :cheer:

Asha if a new commer comes to site and seen that milk can be calculated in means he will be shocked. Small mistakes may create many problems.
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Keeping in mind Sasikant's point I edited most of the posts. Hope you don;t mind me doing it for the benefit of the forum. :)

Live in the present :)
no one cleared my doubt yet...
what's the milk prices of North india?

Depends on the variety one uses. The one I use is priced at 40 rupees a liter. :dry: The skimmed milk will be a little lower I guess. I will confirm and then let you know soon.

This is so high when compared with us. .

ya...that's why I am also wondering.....
I think she is saying 40rs per I right Asha?

Sorry for the mistake that is a childhood mistake that I find hard to overcome. :huh:

then tell will you take your weight?
In litres? :cheer:

Yes this is common and most of the people ask for milk in Kgs to a shopkeeper.they forget that fluids are always measured in Liters.
Nowadays all rates of the food items increased. Nowadays I did not buy milk only black coffee. :( :(
All commodities rate are increased. Milk rate also increased. Now difficult to drink milk.
Only Asha has given me the milk rate.
Let me compare milk rates of different quick.......give me the answer

Meera sandhu
Only Asha has given me the milk rate.
Let me compare milk rates of different quick.......give me the answer

Comparing rates in different states and districts is an unnecessary exercise. This only creates many posts that serve no purpose. There should be discussion only on the topic and we need not go into country wide details. Also let us not change forum to gossip instead of discussion.

There has been enough discussion on topic. So this is locked.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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