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I don't know why sometimes, the last response can be seen only when we click reply button. But it's shown in Recent topics tab. Hoping you understood what am telling
Do you people also having same problem with forum?????

Meera sandhu
I have not so fa encountered this, may be you are using a browser that can show the last response. Use chrome to see the difference.

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I always love appreciation of persons who are well above me in talent and intelligence. What about you?

But its difficult thing to expect as the person who is more talented and intelligent will always think beyond and always finds something missing in the person who is less talent than him/her..

I am seeing talent persons as those people who really appreciate hard working people and other talents.
I really hate those people, who even after having intelligence and talent never appreciate others. Such narrow minded persons never come in my category of those special persons. :) :) :)

We have a proverb......meaning......filled pot never spits

Yes that's perfect proverb for people who are simple but in today's world such people are rare to find. Competition and desire to earn more is making everyone lost they true identity.. Even a teacher doesnt appreciate a good character and humble student. They should struggle a lot to get appreciated by impressing the teacher in a wrong way... :(

I don't know from where you are got such misconception or whether you are talking in specific about some teacher you know. But as far as I know a teacher prefers to have a good character and humble students over those students who has bad influence over other students. When you make a general statement like that it sounds like you are insulting the teaching profession

Hmm!!! You are right Jabeen I am talking about only some teachers not all ( I havent say all the teachers)... and its not misconception.. atleast one out of ten may be seen practicing this method... though my statistic are poor it may be more too.
Just to add everyone have their own favorites and appreciations may not be given to all their students.. Am I right?
Let me give you a live example.. My sisters brother-in -laws has been doing research and he from 5 year his teacher/ guide is not either accepting or guiding him in the process... and after doing a lot of hard work and preparing a report on it he is simply rejecting it without any reason.... The hidden sources are saying he is money minded too.

I just took an example of all such teachers... the statement doesn't insults teaching profession.... nothing more as they only lets us know the world....
I always love appreciation of persons who are well above me in talent and intelligence. What about you?

But its difficult thing to expect as the person who is more talented and intelligent will always think beyond and always finds something missing in the person who is less talent than him/her..

I am seeing talent persons as those people who really appreciate hard working people and other talents.
I really hate those people, who even after having intelligence and talent never appreciate others. Such narrow minded persons never come in my category of those special persons. :) :) :)

We have a proverb......meaning......filled pot never spits

Yes that's perfect proverb for people who are simple but in today's world such people are rare to find. Competition and desire to earn more is making everyone lost they true identity.. Even a teacher doesnt appreciate a good character and humble student. They should struggle a lot to get appreciated by impressing the teacher in a wrong way... :(

I don't know from where you are got such misconception or whether you are talking in specific about some teacher you know. But as far as I know a teacher prefers to have a good character and humble students over those students who has bad influence over other students. When you make a general statement like that it sounds like you are insulting the teaching profession

Are you a teacher??? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:


It's true, it's rare to find such people. Yet we can find them. Be positive :cheer: :cheer:
That's why I told 1 in 1000.....I know it's very rare.....particularly in the competitive modern world.
I am lucky enough to find a few persons in Boddunan family..........I won't take their name :P :P :P :P :P

@ sandhya
i agree with you... its very difficult indeed...I never expect appreciation even from that 1 .. as appreciation may divert you sometimes or most of the times... but it doesn't mean that I don't care... I respect anyone's appreciation too....
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
Single sentence but deeper meaning. I actually don't even think about appreciation. I just do my work. Yes I become happy if someone appreciates my work. It becomes better to listen it from all.

Like you I too don't believe that we should work just to get appreciation from others. I also feel happy when someone appreciates my work but even if nobody express their appreciation also it doesn't bother me as long as I enjoy my work and get job satisfaction. But then from experience I realised that if we do our work sincerely and to the best of ability, sooner of later somebody will appreciate our work even if we don't seek it. :)

Rightly said jabeen :) One should simply do whatever is within their capacity and not bother ...If we do things simply to get appreciation it loses its value like sunil pointed out ...(REMEMBER GITA- Karma kiye ja Fal ki chinta mat kar, whatever is your due, no one can stop it.) what is important is to listen to your conscience only, it never fails you !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

The end result is as per the wishes of God that is if you are a believer otherwise if you trust in yourself then no one can stop you from your targeted goals.

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The appreciation will be happy when I had done a great hardwork and we got good result from the client. That is the work done by 3 members and we completed with in time.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

Even if we don't get appreciation, it's not a big matter. But, no one should discourage us for our good deeds and hard work.

Meera sandhu
I never care for appreciation or or no appreciation, I like to do my work and keep going on.

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I never care for appreciation or or no appreciation, I like to do my work and keep going on.

If someone discourage for your struggles, won;t it affect you?

Meera sandhu
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