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I think every one knows that this is a scientifically proven art for keeping fit and healthy if practiced under trained guidance.

Very nice explanation.. Keep practicing yoga it is very good for health and mind... :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

I started with Sheersan and can do a few more, after all Baba Ram Dev is my neighbor. Yes he knows it best.

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Try practicing manavallakali yoga by vethathiri maharishi.

Really it is useful. Kundalini Thiyanam and yoga they are teaching.

for more information.
There are eight parts of the Yoga. That's why it is called Ashtang Yoga.
  1. Yam
  2. Niyam
  3. Aasan
  4. Pranayam
  5. Prtyahar
  6. Dharana
  7. Dhyaan
  8. Samadhi

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
There are eight parts of the Yoga. That's why it is called Ashtang Yoga.
  1. Yam
  2. Niyam
  3. Aasan
  4. Pranayam
  5. Prtyahar
  6. Dharana
  7. Dhyaan
  8. Samadhi

Its a very good information. I guess u know a lot abt yoga..
There are eight parts of the Yoga. That's why it is called Ashtang Yoga.
  1. Yam
  2. Niyam
  3. Aasan
  4. Pranayam
  5. Prtyahar
  6. Dharana
  7. Dhyaan
  8. Samadhi

Its a very good information. I guess u know a lot abt yoga..

I don't know much about Yoga. Whatever I know, just want to share with all of you. I am used to do yoga daily and I have many books on it in my own library.

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Try practicing manavallakali yoga by vethathiri maharishi.

Really it is useful. Kundalini Thiyanam and yoga they are teaching.

for more information.

Thanks, I am bookmarking this link for further references.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Try practicing manavallakali yoga by vethathiri maharishi.

Really it is useful. Kundalini Thiyanam and yoga they are teaching.

for more information.

Yes, i know this very well. I attended that program and finished my 1st stage. Im planning for joining on 2nd stage of program. Its really very helpful for us in our life. :cheer:

yoga is good for i am a regular exerciser i know that yoga keeps our body relaxes our helps to build our muscles and cures pain from the body.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Actually, I have not practised it yet. May be , in future

Meera sandhu
Yoga is a traditional way of meditation developed by the ancient saints. But now it has emerged as a modern mechanism of increasing the physical and mental strength of the body.It improves the flexibility of the body, reduces stress, increase concentration and also heals various disorder. Every one should spent at least half an hour for practicing simple yoga.
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