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Try practicing manavallakali yoga by vethathiri maharishi.

Really it is useful. Kundalini Thiyanam and yoga they are teaching.

for more information.

Yes, i know this very well. I attended that program and finished my 1st stage. Im planning for joining on 2nd stage of program. Its really very helpful for us in our life. :cheer:

I think Manavalakalai is the best meditation practice all should know.
I am bit lazy, but I like Yoga. I like to do Yoga and Exercise. I have started to do yoga, but i am not regular in it.

Want to make each day Accountable

I am bit lazy, but I like Yoga. I like to do Yoga and Exercise. I have started to do yoga, but i am not regular in it.

If you are regular, you can get benefits of yoga. Do you need any motivation ?? :cheer:

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
I learned yoga but, due to laziness i cant able to continue it. :( :(

hereafter try to practice. Which yoga you learned and Where you learned

I learned yoga at Vedathri maharishi "Valga Valamudan". :)

Sure i will try practice hereafter. :cheer: :unsure:

In our state and near my area there is nature cure hospital. This is really a famous one in which they will cure each and every disease in a natural way in that they are also learning yoga.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

My husband, years before, started his yoga classes, bought some books and cd too. But what to do? He lost its interest suddenly. Later, when we shifted to new place, he re-started his yoga classes. His teacher, seeing his knowledge about preliminaries, thought, he knows much about yoga and gave him some difficult work outs at first time itself. How can he say, I just read those books, no practical knowledge......?? ha ha
Anyhow, he stopped his yoga classes, 2nd or 3rd day itself......

Meera sandhu
Yoga has all round benefits for our body and system.There is nothing as effective in maintaining your posture and weight.When we practice it regularly, all the complaints like Blood pressure,Diabetes and heart ailments simply disappear...I have a cousin who was over weight and full of health complaints. she tok up yoga seriously last year and now in a years time has shed about 12 kilos of weight and her BP is normal, no knee and joint pains - It is a plaesure to see her now since she has become so positive...
I do yoga on and off, but I am not regular,planning to do so...

I used to do yoga regularly previously now I am not regular at all> I must now start it again to keep my BP in check!!

Yes Kalyani, it is excellent for keeping ones BP in check - I had an interesting conversation with an online friend regarding Yoga , an Indian belonging to a different religion. He was telling me that since he was obese and had urinary problems his doctor had asked him to go for yoga classes and also do the aasanas regularly.While his religious leaders had advised him against it since Yoga was against their religion .I was telling him that there was nothing religious about yoga...People have such misconceptions and prejudices, they don't even bother to check :dry:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Yoga has all round benefits for our body and system.There is nothing as effective in maintaining your posture and weight.When we practice it regularly, all the complaints like Blood pressure,Diabetes and heart ailments simply disappear...I have a cousin who was over weight and full of health complaints. she tok up yoga seriously last year and now in a years time has shed about 12 kilos of weight and her BP is normal, no knee and joint pains - It is a plaesure to see her now since she has become so positive...
I do yoga on and off, but I am not regular,planning to do so...

I used to do yoga regularly previously now I am not regular at all> I must now start it again to keep my BP in check!!

Yes Kalyani, it is excellent for keeping ones BP in check - I had an interesting conversation with an online friend regarding Yoga , an Indian belonging to a different religion. He was telling me that since he was obese and had urinary problems his doctor had asked him to go for yoga classes and also do the aasanas regularly.While his religious leaders had advised him against it since Yoga was against their religion .I was telling him that there was nothing religious about yoga...People have such misconceptions and prejudices, they don't even bother to check :dry:

Thanks Usha, I must definitely start practicing again!! Yes, I know what you are talking about and I also can guess what religion he may belong to!! :S But I don't understand such people's mentality, why cannot they get above their religion if something is going to help them personally? also its been prescribed by a doctor so he can look at it as a therapy and nothing else. Since meditation is associated with yoga, it is associated with some thing being a religious ritual of Hindus, probably!!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Yoga has all round benefits for our body and system.There is nothing as effective in maintaining your posture and weight.When we practice it regularly, all the complaints like Blood pressure,Diabetes and heart ailments simply disappear...I have a cousin who was over weight and full of health complaints. she tok up yoga seriously last year and now in a years time has shed about 12 kilos of weight and her BP is normal, no knee and joint pains - It is a plaesure to see her now since she has become so positive...
I do yoga on and off, but I am not regular,planning to do so...

I used to do yoga regularly previously now I am not regular at all> I must now start it again to keep my BP in check!!

Yes Kalyani, it is excellent for keeping ones BP in check - I had an interesting conversation with an online friend regarding Yoga , an Indian belonging to a different religion. He was telling me that since he was obese and had urinary problems his doctor had asked him to go for yoga classes and also do the aasanas regularly.While his religious leaders had advised him against it since Yoga was against their religion .I was telling him that there was nothing religious about yoga...People have such misconceptions and prejudices, they don't even bother to check :dry:

Thanks Usha, I must definitely start practicing again!! Yes, I know what you are talking about and I also can guess what religion he may belong to!! :S But I don't understand such people's mentality, why cannot they get above their religion if something is going to help them personally? also its been prescribed by a doctor so he can look at it as a therapy and nothing else. Since meditation is associated with yoga, it is associated with some thing being a religious ritual of Hindus, probably!!

Exactly ! It is no use telling some people who would rather die than go against their religious leaders. Meditation too can be done according to one's choice, there is actually no religion involved there....This is the problem with half baked knowledge...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

thanks for sharing eight parts of yoga. All can know about this.
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