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Yes I think it is necessary to transfer most of the government industries into private.
No, already the petrol price are gone out of control.If the government industries privatized it is become big problem to survive.The prices are uncontrollable .:(:(
No, already the petrol price are gone out of control.If the government industries privatized it is become big problem to survive.The prices are uncontrollable .:(:(

I dont think the petrol prices are going up because of privatisation, it is because of increased taxes by the government also the impact of a weak Rupee against the international currencies especially US dollar !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Actually India tried to follow a concept of 'Mixed economy' in the early decades in a situation when no private initiative was forthcoming.All our heavy industries came up during this phase and fulfilled a particular need of that hour to become a happy-hunting-ground for corrupt politicians,dishonest babus and other rent-seeking sections. Professionalism has been completely absent to turn many of them sick.

Nehru started off with some kind of a vision which went for a toss soon enough.The much hyped five year plan materialised only in bits and pieces , so we have a history of economic mismanagement in our country ..of course the situation has only worsened over the years..

Yes, what Nehru had envisioned was something that could have worked, but for lack of honest and efficient leaders with a foresight and intelligence, it all resulted into what we see now. Mere tatters of what should have been an entire picture. The problem was the core-level corruption within the congress party itself!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

No, already the petrol price are gone out of control.If the government industries privatized it is become big problem to survive.The prices are uncontrollable .:(:(

I dont think the petrol prices are going up because of privatisation, it is because of increased taxes by the government also the impact of a weak Rupee against the international currencies especially US dollar !

That and the subsidies given to oil companies for a long time even at the cost of huge deficits! Had the subsidies been curbed or reduced in the initial stages, the hike in the prices would not have been so obvious now. Now it is only inevitable that they should rise!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Actually India tried to follow a concept of 'Mixed economy' in the early decades in a situation when no private initiative was forthcoming.All our heavy industries came up during this phase and fulfilled a particular need of that hour to become a happy-hunting-ground for corrupt politicians,dishonest babus and other rent-seeking sections. Professionalism has been completely absent to turn many of them sick.

Nehru started off with some kind of a vision which went for a toss soon enough.The much hyped five year plan materialised only in bits and pieces , so we have a history of economic mismanagement in our country ..of course the situation has only worsened over the years..

Yes, what Nehru had envisioned was something that could have worked, but for lack of honest and efficient leaders with a foresight and intelligence, it all resulted into what we see now. Mere tatters of what should have been an entire picture. The problem was the core-level corruption within the congress party itself!

Very very true ! Congress ,especially after Indira Gandhi came into power institutionalised corruption at every level..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

The sad reality is that any talk of corruption invariably brings up the name of Gandhi family and people used to believe that its absence would make the land corruption free but our experiences show that it is too simplistic a belief. Other families have upstaged this family many more times!
Actually India tried to follow a concept of 'Mixed economy' in the early decades in a situation when no private initiative was forthcoming.All our heavy industries came up during this phase and fulfilled a particular need of that hour to become a happy-hunting-ground for corrupt politicians,dishonest babus and other rent-seeking sections. Professionalism has been completely absent to turn many of them sick.

Nehru started off with some kind of a vision which went for a toss soon enough.The much hyped five year plan materialised only in bits and pieces , so we have a history of economic mismanagement in our country ..of course the situation has only worsened over the years..

Yes, what Nehru had envisioned was something that could have worked, but for lack of honest and efficient leaders with a foresight and intelligence, it all resulted into what we see now. Mere tatters of what should have been an entire picture. The problem was the core-level corruption within the congress party itself!

Very very true ! Congress ,especially after Indira Gandhi came into power institutionalised corruption at every level..

exactly, and the worst part is that Congress was riddled with internal corruption when Jawarharlal Nehru was heading it, even Mahatma Gandhi wanted him to dissolve the party immediately after gaining independence or at least oust those who were involved in the corruption, but Nehru turned a blind eye to it all for his own selfish reasons!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

The sad reality is that any talk of corruption invariably brings up the name of Gandhi family and people used to believe that its absence would make the land corruption free but our experiences show that it is too simplistic a belief. Other families have upstaged this family many more times!

Yes but the other families haven't been able to remain in power for long, each time, it is again reverted back to the Gandhis!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Many top Congress party leaders openly say that they cannot think beyond Gandhis and that's how it is going to be ! Sonia Gandhi soon after Rajeev Gandhi's death was reluctant in the beginning to take over or at least that's how it looked, but see the way the congress men pulled her in..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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