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Definitely technology has made us lazy but this is good in the sense now we can talk to anyone by sitting just at home unlike old days when we had to go to the person's house to see him/her. :blink:

Relations are not for chatting and talking only. We have certain obligations to keep.

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Definitely technology has made us lazy but this is good in the sense now we can talk to anyone by sitting just at home unlike old days when we had to go to the person's house to see him/her. :blink:

Relations are not for chatting and talking only. We have certain obligations to keep.

But in olden days we had to go to the place even for small issues also which now a days can be resolved by just talking on phone no need to travel a long. :blink:
Definitely technology has made us lazy but this is good in the sense now we can talk to anyone by sitting just at home unlike old days when we had to go to the person's house to see him/her. :blink:

Relations are not for chatting and talking only. We have certain obligations to keep.

Suni you are right, we should have some responsiblity also.
Frankly Speaking,i don't like to visit my relatives. Sometimes,when we talk to them,i sense that they just want to take advantage of ours and nothing else. There doesn't comes any good felling,when i meet my relatives. Happiness is not Sensed.
I don't know why?

Are they all expect something from you?

You know Ronark, may be this feeling is also the result of decreased interaction between relatives and when they call us or get in touch with us only when there is an emergency we tend to mistake their intentions, it can happen to anyone..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

when I was young, visiting relatives, especially cousins and friends was something that was very eagerly looked forward to.Now with a changed life style which offers enough entertainment at home we seldom visit relatives unless absolutely essential !.At least that's the case with us...

( I have posted this under announcements by mistake )

It has become a habit to ignore relative now-a-days..people dont have time to talk with parents then how can we expect them to be with relatives.
when I was young, visiting relatives, especially cousins and friends was something that was very eagerly looked forward to.Now with a changed life style which offers enough entertainment at home we seldom visit relatives unless absolutely essential !.At least that's the case with us...

( I have posted this under announcements by mistake )

It has become a habit to ignore relative now-a-days..people dont have time to talk with parents then how can we expect them to be with relatives.

I suppose so, to a certain extent that is true ! people living in nuclear families have to make time to visit their parents and siblings, so visiting other relatives may not be a priority...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

when I was young, visiting relatives, especially cousins and friends was something that was very eagerly looked forward to.Now with a changed life style which offers enough entertainment at home we seldom visit relatives unless absolutely essential !.At least that's the case with us...

( I have posted this under announcements by mistake )

It has become a habit to ignore relative now-a-days..people dont have time to talk with parents then how can we expect them to be with relatives.

I suppose so, to a certain extent that is true ! people living in nuclear families have to make time to visit their parents and siblings, so visiting other relatives may not be a priority...

True!! Actually now each and every member of any given family is constantly busy involved in one or other activity, right from earning to interests of hobbies etc. so there is no time to fit in with visiting relatives. Also, the lapses between each visit is now so prolonged that the younger lot hardly know what to talk about if and when they meet each other! Maybe that is the reason for this apathy!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

It is indicative of a possible complete break-down of our traditional family system.
usha manohar wrote:
Rajani K wrote:
usha manohar wrote:
when I was young, visiting relatives, especially cousins and friends was something that was very eagerly looked forward to.Now with a changed life style which offers enough entertainment at home we seldom visit relatives unless absolutely essential !.At least that's the case with us...

( I have posted this under announcements by mistake )

It has become a habit to ignore relative now-a-days..people dont have time to talk with parents then how can we expect them to be with relatives.

I suppose so, to a certain extent that is true ! people living in nuclear families have to make time to visit their parents and siblings, so visiting other relatives may not be a priority...

True!! Actually now each and every member of any given family is constantly busy involved in one or other activity, right from earning to interests of hobbies etc. so there is no time to fit in with visiting relatives. Also, the lapses between each visit is now so prolonged that the younger lot hardly know what to talk about if and when they meet each other! Maybe that is the reason for this apathy!

Yes they are busy in their lives to earn and settle so they are showing less interest in relationships.

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The traditional joint family system probably exists only in certain parts of the country.That too out of economic compulsion, otherwise things have changed a lot in the past 3 or 4 decades where family structures are concerned.In fact nuclear family system has its advantages ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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