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Yes these people don't visit there relatives and friends more often than they used to do in olden days. I remember i used to spend whole summer vacations at my village and my mother's village but now a days i don't wish to send my kids to anywhere and leave them alone anywhere may be this is transformation which has come in new generation. Moreover people have become too much busy in earning money as they were not used to in olden days as most of the people used to depend of farming so they used to have plenty of time unlike people of today. :blink:

It was the same with us Sanjeev, we used to all get together in our ancestral village close to mangalore and what fun it was. Thankfully all this lasted while my children were growing up and had the experience of that life too.sadly time and peole change and today the ancestral properties are all tied up in litigations.. :(

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Technology has changed us.Has made little Lazy.Now on internet, we talk to our relatives. The importance of meeting is not decreased. This is affecting our relationship with close ones.

Oh definitely it is. I remember we were not having the cable connections those day and used to see only one channel of doordarshan.No internet or mobiles at all even the land line phones were few so the only way to enjoy and to communicate with people was to see them at their place. :)
Yes these people don't visit there relatives and friends more often than they used to do in olden days. I remember i used to spend whole summer vacations at my village and my mother's village but now a days i don't wish to send my kids to anywhere and leave them alone anywhere may be this is transformation which has come in new generation. Moreover people have become too much busy in earning money as they were not used to in olden days as most of the people used to depend of farming so they used to have plenty of time unlike people of today. :blink:

It was the same with us Sanjeev, we used to all get together in our ancestral village close to mangalore and what fun it was. Thankfully all this lasted while my children were growing up and had the experience of that life too.sadly time and peole change and today the ancestral properties are all tied up in litigations.. :(

Actually the competition, cost of living and tough targets have changed every thing now. The way the population is going up is reducing space to breath. If the same goes on vertically may be the day is not far off people would not know beyond their immediate relatives.

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Yes these people don't visit there relatives and friends more often than they used to do in olden days. I remember i used to spend whole summer vacations at my village and my mother's village but now a days i don't wish to send my kids to anywhere and leave them alone anywhere may be this is transformation which has come in new generation. Moreover people have become too much busy in earning money as they were not used to in olden days as most of the people used to depend of farming so they used to have plenty of time unlike people of today. :blink:

It was the same with us Sanjeev, we used to all get together in our ancestral village close to mangalore and what fun it was. Thankfully all this lasted while my children were growing up and had the experience of that life too.sadly time and peole change and today the ancestral properties are all tied up in litigations.. :(

Actually the competition, cost of living and tough targets have changed every thing now. The way the population is going up is reducing space to breath. If the same goes on vertically may be the day is not far off people would not know beyond their immediate relatives.

Priorities in life too has changed sunil, and that has made all of us more selfish and self centred I guess ! We used to have many family get together's earlier , the expenses being met by the income that the properties fetched and now all or at least most of it has stopped because all are wondering who is going to bear the expenses ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

It was the same with us Sanjeev, we used to all get together in our ancestral village close to mangalore and what fun it was. Thankfully all this lasted while my children were growing up and had the experience of that life too.sadly time and peole change and today the ancestral properties are all tied up in litigations.. :([/quote]

Actually the competition, cost of living and tough targets have changed every thing now. The way the population is going up is reducing space to breath. If the same goes on vertically may be the day is not far off people would not know beyond their immediate relatives.[/quote]

Priorities in life too has changed sunil, and that has made all of us more selfish and self centred I guess ! We used to have many family get together's earlier , the expenses being met by the income that the properties fetched and now all or at least most of it has stopped because all are wondering who is going to bear the expenses ..[/quote]

True up to great extent but otherwise also if you do not take take cost in to consideration, people have not thinking beyond a certain limit. The parameter of thinking is reducing drastically.

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Just to quote an example when we were children the only transportation was taking a bus or sometimes two buses to visit relatives, but I remember we used to do it regularly.Now, there many buses,autos,private cars and an overload of traffic too, and we find it really difficult to visit out of the way places unless absolutely necessary..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Just to quote an example when we were children the only transportation was taking a bus or sometimes two buses to visit relatives, but I remember we used to do it regularly.Now, there many buses,autos,private cars and an overload of traffic too, and we find it really difficult to visit out of the way places unless absolutely necessary..

Our life style has become such that,we rarely have time for others.

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Now we remain very busy in our child's education and so no time to go anywhere.
Responsibilities makes our life busy and we never get time to do anything,else our job.

Want to make each day Accountable

Responsibilities makes our life busy and we never get time to do anything,else our job.

Its not that Ronak responsibilities are more like same which people used to have in olden times.But the thing is time has changed a bit. Now people don't like to visit but just like to sit and see film in theater for 3 hours conterminously. :evil:
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