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we are the people in the society but all are not like us.
Ya you are right society always want boy in compare to girl......

Who is this entity Society?
isn't it made of people?

Everyone says...I want a girl kid, but society doesn't want so.
Then who is this society????? :sick:

Its not that everyone says that i wan't a girl child. The situation is changing nowadays no doubt. But the older people still are of the opinion that they want a boy and not girl. These old people forms the base of the society and very few people of the young generation have the courage to change the minds of the old people.
I am talking about those older people only because in my previous forum i said now a day there's no discrimination between boy and girl child........
I am talking about those older people only because in my previous forum i said now a day there's no discrimination between boy and girl child........

Discriminations are still there though not severe as before!!!!

Meera sandhu
Ya that's i am talking about discrimination are done where old thinking person is present.....
I think it was in olden days when people used to discriminate more but these days girl or boy are equal and this discrimination has decreased but still there are lot of orthodox people who still have this thinking.May be it will go with the time. :)
great ... :) :) :) :) :)

Chant Hare krishna and be happy!!
great ... :) :) :) :) :)

I don't know about other parents but i wanted a girl and that's what I got i am happy and most fortunate father today.

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Means you are the father of a little princess...Great to know suni.
Means you are the father of a little princess...Great to know suni.

Little for me but big enough for others, my only child is a big little angel for me.

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