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Previously all parents need boy child but today there is no discrimenation between boy and girl so no problem whether it is boy or girl child.... :huh: :huh: :huh:

Am not telling about problems yaar. I feel girl kids can make parents behave more soft :huh:

Meera sandhu
Previously all parents need boy child but today there is no discrimenation between boy and girl so no problem whether it is boy or girl child.... :huh: :huh: :huh:

Am not telling about problems yaar. I feel girl kids can make parents behave more soft :huh:

Ya that's my thinking ....But girls kid were really make the guardians more soft as you are telling Sandhya.......
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
But I always feel so..
Suppose a family contain 3 or 4 boys only. It takes a lot of effort for parents to maintain discipline in the family. By this way, they need to be more strict...their necessity demands so. Girls need only soft words, no hard words to bring her up. By this way, if a family contains boys only, gradually parents become more strict which reflects more in their character too. That may be the reason why they are not able to maintain a calm relationship with daugher-in-laws. They know only to teach discipline in strict manner. Isn't it?

Are boys and girls treated differently. parents should be soft to both- son or daughter. These days, boys and girls work similarly in the society and so a baby is a baby- son or daughter.

Yet I feel...girls are more sensitive than boys. Isn't it? :woohoo:

The house with eldest child as girl will always remain disciplined and controlled.

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How can you say this with more confidence can you give some examples???/
So am disciplined and controlled!!!! ha ha

Meera sandhu
So am disciplined and controlled!!!! ha ha

Me too disciplined and well behaved and i think i never be bad...hahahahahaha
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
So am disciplined and controlled!!!! ha ha

Me too disciplined and well behaved and i think i never be bad...hahahahahaha

Me too means you are agreeing an well disciplined!!! Ok :P :P :P

Are you the elder girl of your family?

Meera sandhu
Boys are real mischief and girls are a little calm comparing to boys. So, I always feel all parents do need a girl child. If so, they will learn to remain more calm and behave well to other girls, also in society. Becoming parents to only boys make them only rude and gradually they may lose a soft heart. What do you feel?

I think preference of having a girl child by parents does not depend on the qualities of girl child but it depends on the thinking of the parents that how the world would receive their child. Parents will love the girl child as much as they love a baby boy. But the society still have the wrong prejudices about the girl child.
Ya you are right society always want boy in compare to girl......
Ya you are right society always want boy in compare to girl......

Who is this entity Society?
isn't it made of people?

Everyone says...I want a girl kid, but society doesn't want so.
Then who is this society????? :sick:

Meera sandhu
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