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You know we live in the same area where this happened so we have first hand knowledge as per the people saw things there.

That true and also the famous Nithari case which happened here i know few people also who still live there. :)
I am sure from the first day as to who did it. Arushi must have done some thing to unpleasing them.

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I am sure from the first day as to who did it. Arushi must have done some thing to unpleasing them.

May be her parents saw them both Hemraj And Arooshi.Even the police told it in the first report but then CBI changed it. :blink:
That is fact. Every thing is clear but they always try to hide such acts because they have money to spend.

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That is fact. Every thing is clear but they always try to hide such acts because they have money to spend.

Now also i think the case is not being investigated with the same speed with which it was re opened i think there is again some problem. :evil:
Sanjeev, actually if CBI know who is the culprit and if that culprit is rich person then CBI take money and leave that person and they act as if they are investigating seriously

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

That is fact. Every thing is clear but they always try to hide such acts because they have money to spend.

Now also i think the case is not being investigated with the same speed with which it was re opened i think there is again some problem. :evil:

After this thread I have written an article with every detail that is live on the site, besides the case has gone further up.

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Sanjeev, actually if CBI know who is the culprit and if that culprit is rich person then CBI take money and leave that person and they act as if they are investigating seriously

This is wrong with our country we have been so corrupt we don't let any chance down to get money. In this case too it seems that some one is really corrupt and don't want this case to further open. :evil:
As of now I think the couple , that is the parents have been accused of the murder and the CBI is gathering more evidence to strengthen the case against them.I heard something about this case from a neighbor who lives close to their home in Ghaziabad. According to this lady Aarushi is an adopted child and there used to be a lot of quarrels and fights between the mother and daughter..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

As of now I think the couple , that is the parents have been accused of the murder and the CBI is gathering more evidence to strengthen the case against them.I heard something about this case from a neighbor who lives close to their home in Ghaziabad. According to this lady Aarushi is an adopted child and there used to be a lot of quarrels and fights between the mother and daughter..

Adoption ! This is new information to me.

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