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Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
This Murder is really a Confusing one as no one sure about it.....Police only said that Their Mother are main but they have not any proof............
This is i feell is a honour killing.Her parents killed her but they killed her so cleanly and did not spare any proofs but hope CBI will sone prove that they murdered her. :blink:
The entire episode has filled my mind with a kind of sickness! Parents plotting and murdering their own and only daughter!!
The entire episode has filled my mind with a kind of sickness! Parents plotting and murdering their own and only daughter!!

Do you believe her parents killed her?
I still can't. I don't know why :huh:

Meera sandhu
The entire episode has filled my mind with a kind of sickness! Parents plotting and murdering their own and only daughter!!

Do you believe her parents killed her?
I still can't. I don't know why :huh:

As the case is sub judice,it won't be proper to make any definitive conclusion but going by the proceeding of the court,there is a strong presumption!
[quote]chinmoymukherjee wrote:
The entire episode has filled my mind with a kind of sickness! Parents plotting and murdering their own and only daughter!!

Do you believe her parents killed her?
I still can't. I don't know why [/quote]
CBI is indicating that may be a honour killing.
Honor killing is rampant in some of the Northern states and very few come to the surface and what is disturbing is the fact that most them hail from affluent families!
From the Police Or CBI investigation it indicate that they are victim...Lets see what comes at last.....
From the Police Or CBI investigation it indicate that they are victim...Lets see what comes at last.....

Who are victims?
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