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[quote]Honor killing is rampant in some of the Northern states and very few come to the surface and what is disturbing is the fact that most them hail from affluent families! [/quote]

So true, also what amazes and upsets me more is that these people are well educated and get around more in the world and yet their practices are almost medieval and barbaric in nature, at least where the women folk is concerned!! :angry:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

[quote]मैं वापस आ रहा हूँ wrote:
From the Police Or CBI investigation it indicate that they are victim...Lets see what comes at last.....

Who are victims? [/quote]

A question that crossed my mind too! :blink:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

[quote]मैं वापस आ रहा हूँ wrote:
From the Police Or CBI investigation it indicate that they are victim...Lets see what comes at last.....

Who are victims?

A question that crossed my mind too! :blink:[/quote]

My plain understanding of CBI investigations points to late Arushi as the victim of senseless and macabre violence perpetrated by her parents!!
[quote]मैं वापस आ रहा हूँ wrote:
From the Police Or CBI investigation it indicate that they are victim...Lets see what comes at last.....

Who are victims?

A question that crossed my mind too! :blink:

My plain understanding of CBI investigations points to late Arushi as the victim of senseless and macabre violence perpetrated by her parents!![/quote]

Most probably this is a case of 'honor killing' by parents.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes by first sense it might be a case of "Honor Killing " by parent but why police are so confused.If they are so sure then why they are doing late....
The entire episode has filled my mind with a kind of sickness! Parents plotting and murdering their own and only daughter!!

Do you believe her parents killed her?
I still can't. I don't know why :huh:

I did not beleive it when she was murdered but now when most of the evidences say that the murderers are no other than her parents i am forced to beleive it. :blink:

And the thing which confuses me the most is how can someone remain asleep when someone is killing two people in the house. :unsure: I don't know who killed Arooshi but she deserves justice and mystery should be resolved soon and culprits should be punished soon before the file is closed by the court. :evil:
No culprits surely be punished and may be she remain asleep due to some form of chloroform she inhale........Just hope that Arooshi get as soon as possible justice.
Yes by first sense it might be a case of "Honor Killing " by parent but why police are so confused.If they are so sure then why they are doing late....

Police (C.B.I.) are sure but they donot decide. They prosecute in court. Punishment is by court.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

No culprits surely be punished and may be she remain asleep due to some form of chloroform she inhale........Just hope that Arooshi get as soon as possible justice.

She will get the justice soon. :)

Chloroform? No they were not.Even the murderer did not enter their rom. :evil:
Yes No one found to be enter into the room.As Police said that Nupur tanveer and his Husband are stay just beside the room of Arooshi.Both room were separated by a Plywood.
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