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This is good for children to keep their books in school otherwise they look like a donkeys carrying luggage.

Absolutely but school administration should understand it better. :)
They should provide locker-rooms in every school for children to keep their belongings. They can only carry home the home work sheets along. But is that possible really?

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They should provide locker-rooms in every school for children to keep their belongings. They can only carry home the home work sheets along. But is that possible really?

Yes it possible they do it sometime in my kids' school but not that frequently. :)
Now a days government is planning of laptops to children which will decrease bag weights for them.

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Now a days government is planning of laptops to children which will decrease bag weights for them.

laptops..Is it possible for government to give them? Most of the people in our nation won't prefer to buy it as its costly for them. :(
Now a days government is planning of laptops to children which will decrease bag weights for them.

laptops..Is it possible for government to give them? Most of the people in our nation won't prefer to buy it as its costly for them. :(

If they are planning to give it free of cost, they are in offing of making good money out of the deal.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Now a days government is planning of laptops to children which will decrease bag weights for them.

laptops..Is it possible for government to give them? Most of the people in our nation won't prefer to buy it as its costly for them. :(

If they are planning to give it free of cost, they are in offing of making good money out of the deal.

I don't know if government can bear it to give it free of cost to all students. :)
[quote]suni51 wrote:
Sanjeev Gupta wrote:
Sasikanth.K wrote:
Now a days government is planning of laptops to children which will decrease bag weights for them.

laptops..Is it possible for government to give them? Most of the people in our nation won't prefer to buy it as its costly for them.

If they are planning to give it free of cost, they are in offing of making good money out of the deal.

I don't know if government can bear it to give it free of cost to all students. [/quote]
Nothing will be free.
The heavy school bags are definately not good for the health of kids. Today, children carry the schoolbags weighing from 4-8 kgs which is bad for their back. The school management and administration should look after this matter. Many alternatives like locker system, trolly system, desks with lifting tops can be adopted by the schools. In some countries, the books of every subject is published in 3 slimmer volumes, one for each term to reduce the stress.
Today in English medium school the syllabus of pre classes are very vast and to cover such syllabus kids have to carry lots of weight on their back as a result of back pain.........................
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