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one of my cousin actually have a mini trolley in his school bag already fitted.

But that's not the solution Robin as one can't use it outside school. :)
then what do you say about ebooks, ipads especial designed for kids and worksheet system as suggested by ram.
It's indeed, a distressing sight and looks more like a physical training than education!! May be one day a digital solution would be there. But the point which is of importance is not only the physical dimension of books, what about the mental dimension?
then what do you say about ebooks, ipads especial designed for kids and worksheet system as suggested by ram.

Ebooks,i pads are good solution and it will be a better alternate for those heavy school bags. :)
Those will be limited to chosen few most of the children would still be carrying those books. Even these books are not available to majority of our children.

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Those will be limited to chosen few most of the children would still be carrying those books. Even these books are not available to majority of our children.

Yes every one cannot afford it even in government schools where kids hardly get the books how can they be expected to spend that much of money. :(
Government is not able to provide even books in the market timely due to bad planning. Expecting gadgets would only complicate and give them a chance to more corruption.

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I am quite surprised that none has looked at the unbearable course content that a kid these days,are prescribed to learn!!
About my girl....she has to take only her lunch and diary.
All her study materials are kept safe at her school.
At home, we do have one set of books to teach her. But that was not my case when I was at my school.
But after UKG, I think, she will have to carry everything :evil:

Meera sandhu
This is good for children to keep their books in school otherwise they look like a donkeys carrying luggage.

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