Every person in this world has his own strengths and weakness and no one know it better than that person himself. It's a bit difficult question.Yet, can you point out your strong and weak points :P

Meera sandhu
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Gentlemanly is my weakness and truth is my strength.

Generally no one discloses his/her weakness unless must. But most people would announce their strong points. And there is nothing wrong in that.

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I will do hardwork to achieve any thing and my weak ness is lazy.

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There is no alternative to hard work. I am still working 16 hours a day although there is no need even if I don't do it. But I love to be busy. You know that is my old habit.

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This is a good habit to stay busy but when we are growing this is not a good habit.

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Even if I get a set back even after a lot of hard work, I always try to take those events positively. Though many negative factors are there, if I am able to find at least one positive thing or experience, then I will be happy and move forward keeping that positive thing in mind and comfort myself saying, at least I got one new experience. :)

My weakness is of course, my daughter. I always feel, nothing in the world is precious to me than her and even a small fever can make me very much disturbed, though I rarely show it :)

Meera sandhu
My strength is my positive attitude even if every thing seems to be negative around me. My weakness will be my emotional nature, I cannot fight against my emotions.
My strength is my positive attitude even if every thing seems to be negative around me. My weakness will be my emotional nature, I cannot fight against my emotions.

Actually, all persons' weakness is their weak heart. Even if we appear to be very brave and strong, we can't fight against the love of our loved ones. That's why we all are humans :)

Meera sandhu
@ Sandhya,
Yes I agree Sandhya. We cannot fight against our loved ones.
@ Sandhya,
Yes I agree Sandhya. We cannot fight against our loved ones.

Every person with human heart will agree with the fact that, his greatest weakness is nothing else... but his own heart :)

Meera sandhu
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