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Sunil.. How can we find out if the images have published on internet before or not?? I know we can find out about content.. but is it possible for images too?!

that's tough one.I also want to know the same Suny. :)
[quote]Maverick wrote:
I am against with such contests. It will simply introduce copyright violations and people will start posting copy protected images. We can find copied content but not images and we might ended up action against us by the original author. My 2cs.

I never said 'contests' admin, besides copied content is easy to detect. Even I can do it at no cost to the site. Members uploading copyrighted photos may attract a heavy penalty. This is simply a gallery I am talking about. Where members can upload their own work. But site administration knows better. [/quote]

Sunil, I understand what you mean, and there are many threads which have been solely created for uploading pictures, if you could use the Search option, you will find out. Unfortunately, it was a feature that was misused by many who did not want to take any efforts on adding quality to the forums and hence were discouraged to do so, some have left the site for that matter. Initially, pictures posted were good quality, own work etc. but not all understood the fun of adding own work and simply lifted photos off of other sites and posted them here. Again, this is something that is totally undesirable.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Sunil.. How can we find out if the images have published on internet before or not?? I know we can find out about content.. but is it possible for images too?!

that's tough one.I also want to know the same Suny. :)

Yes with the help of a software that will give you exact number of sites that particular image is published on.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Sunil.. How can we find out if the images have published on internet before or not?? I know we can find out about content.. but is it possible for images too?!

that's tough one.I also want to know the same Suny. :)

Yes with the help of a software that will give you exact number of sites that particular image is published on.

Which software? :)
Wow.. Can I know the name of software? Never heard about it.. I can write about it on my blog too..

[quote]Maverick wrote:
I am against with such contests. It will simply introduce copyright violations and people will start posting copy protected images. We can find copied content but not images and we might ended up action against us by the original author. My 2cs.

I never said 'contests' admin, besides copied content is easy to detect. Even I can do it at no cost to the site. Members uploading copyrighted photos may attract a heavy penalty. This is simply a gallery I am talking about. Where members can upload their own work. But site administration knows better.

Sunil, I understand what you mean, and there are many threads which have been solely created for uploading pictures, if you could use the Search option, you will find out. Unfortunately, it was a feature that was misused by many who did not want to take any efforts on adding quality to the forums and hence were discouraged to do so, some have left the site for that matter. Initially, pictures posted were good quality, own work etc. but not all understood the fun of adding own work and simply lifted photos off of other sites and posted them here. Again, this is something that is totally undesirable.[/quote]

Never mind I am not interested because I am a photographer myself but the the page rank of the site was in y mind. I am not insisting nor have any idea of leaving the site on this particular issue. Thanks for every thing.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Hey sunil.. Can I know the name of the software for that purpose!?

I will give you that through email. You can check it in your mailbox.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Okay no problem.. I will check my mail.. Thanks for it.

I will give you that through email. You can check it in your mailbox.

Sunil, its really good. I never hear about such software. Can you please give the name of that software. Also, is that software gives information about which sites and all that particular picture already posted?

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