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We all use photography as our hobby. Can we have a picture gallery on this site that would be good for us as well as for this site?
I can suggest original photos not yet on internet is the best way to achieve it. They can open a picture gallery with points awarded for each original picture. Also members watching them can also accumulate points like they do reading articles. This would make the site go up the rank faster and members would have another feature. What do you think friends? This is one of the best way making sites click in the page rankings.

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I think picture gallery is there though we rarely use it. We can upload photos and videos in community

Meera sandhu
Okay I did not know about it. But do we get rewarded for loading pictures or viewing photos?

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Like other site boddunan has a picture gallery.But there is very less members who know that fact.
My question is: Is there any points awarded on that?

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

You must consult to the Admin.He will solve your problem.But from my idea there is no point for that.
This could be one reason that this picture gallery is not much popular. That is must for better page rank.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

This is due to stop spamming.if points are awarded for that then people upload anything to gain only for points.
As sandhya mentioned we can do it.. But I don't think members are getting points or something for them... But surely points can encourage members uploading original and good pictures.

This is an excellent idea . Already we upload some original pictures in forum.if it is done we can see under one search.
I don't know if it available here as i have seen this facility on some other sites and i think this would really contribute in taking this site higher.
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