Who can be a better friend? A boy or a girl? :)
What's your opinion?

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Meera sandhu
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I have many a times come across this question. I am writing this according to my personal experience.
Boy can be a good friend of both boy and girl. However a girl can never be a good friend of another girl. 1% or 2% girls are good enough to sacrifice anything for each other. Two girls cannot be good sisters also. Problem of jealousy comes forth.
I have many a times come across this question. I am writing this according to my personal experience.
Boy can be a good friend of both boy and girl. However a girl can never be a good friend of another girl. 1% or 2% girls are good enough to sacrifice anything for each other. Two girls cannot be good sisters also. Problem of jealousy comes forth.

Why so?
Jealousy applicable to girl only? Why not boy?

Meera sandhu
may be anyone who is having love and affection and having good thoughts

According to me, both girls and boys can become a good friend.
We get parents, brother, sister etc....through our relations. But friends....we make choice.....
We chooses them according to one's character...it may be a boy or girl.... most important thing is whether he/she understands our mind better than others

Meera sandhu
I don't care as long some one is a friend, gender does not count in friendship.

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I don't care as long some one is a friend, gender does not count in friendship.

Yes of course...gender does not count to friendship.
But my best friend is of course a girl :cheer:

Meera sandhu
I don't care as long some one is a friend, gender does not count in friendship.

Yes of course...gender does not count to friendship.
But my best friend is of course a girl :cheer:

I know girls like chatterboxes, so naturally. I trust you.

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I know girls like chatterboxes, so naturally. I trust you.

But she is not a chatterbox :cheer:

Meera sandhu

I know girls like chatterboxes, so naturally. I trust you.

But she is not a chatterbox :cheer:

I trust you again. She hears every thing from you without any roka-toki. :evil: :evil:

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I know girls like chatterboxes, so naturally. I trust you.

But she is not a chatterbox :cheer:

I trust you again. She hears every thing from you without any roka-toki. :evil: :evil:

Actually, we began to see each other at the age of 5. We studied in the same school(different classes), same class for degree and PG. So we know each other for more than 25 years :)

Meera sandhu
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