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I don't think all can understand it.. People always think they are smart.. So only GOD can make it understand to them.

But they don't realise it some is smarter than them too.When they realise it things go easy for them. :)
Yes.. There are always smarter then the smart one..

Money is the Second God in the world, If you have no money then you are nothing in this world. You are powerful and Genius if your pockets are full with money.
This world and the people makes the money to high priority than the relationships. Fault is not at money and is at people.
This world and the people makes the money to high priority than the relationships. Fault is not at money and is at people.

the present generation has made the money so,popular that the relationships is hidden to them.

Want to make each day Accountable

Money is the Second God in the world, If you have no money then you are nothing in this world. You are powerful and Genius if your pockets are full with money.

I agree to your point :) .But this is wrong we people have made such a criteria that the person who has more money is more powerful. :evil:
To some running for it itself gives a psychological pleasure! They have no answers to 'why'!!
Even they dont have answer why they are running for money even effecting their health.

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money is essential for life
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