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Yes SJ... That is so true.. By thinking of that we should understand that we are in good position, better don't complain more.

I always remain satisfied for what i have and don't complain to God for what i don't have and i think that's the only way one can remain happy in this world. :)
True.. By complaining and being sad, the problem will not sort out.. Better be satisfied and happy.... Good going SJ. :)

Thanks Anand people should be happy for what they have.If they understand it may this world would be better. :)

I know many people who just curse God for having no money :evil: but they forget that its God which is the medium through which they are getting food to eat. :)
Yes.. They are forgetting that they are on the good position from many people. They should feel good and thank god for that.

Thanks Anand people should be happy for what they have.If they understand it may this world would be better. :)

I know many people who just curse God for having no money :evil: but they forget that its God which is the medium through which they are getting food to eat. :)

People curse God because they do not believe in self. They expect God to do favor to them. God is meaningless term. There is food chain of animals and vegetables on Earth. every thing is food for others.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thanks Anand people should be happy for what they have.If they understand it may this world would be better. :)

I know many people who just curse God for having no money :evil: but they forget that its God which is the medium through which they are getting food to eat. :)

People curse God because they do not believe in self. They expect God to do favor to them. God is meaningless term. There is food chain of animals and vegetables on Earth. every thing is food for others.

Gulshan i don't agree.People who believe on God also curse God when they don't get what they have wished in life. :) :evil: :evil:
That's true sj... Whenever they don't want they want , they always blame god for it.

That's true sj... Whenever they don't want they want , they always blame god for it.

Which is wrong but they don't understand it. :) Hope with the time they will understand it. :)
I don't think all can understand it.. People always think they are smart.. So only GOD can make it understand to them.

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