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okay.. Let me check this site. I need to investigate about this site on net.

Looks a cool site, thanks for sharing.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

[quote]Now, has decided to give vshare only by buying and not for free. presently the cost of 1 vshare is 50rx. [/quote]
Nice information shared about
Looks a cool site, thanks for sharing.

So you thinking about to join this site?! :whistle:

Presently, this site is purposeless. As regards shares, there are many good profit making companies. we need not bother these shares for investment.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

So my initial thoughts about this site are turning out to be true!!
Presently, this site is purposeless. As regards shares, there are many good profit making companies. we need not bother these shares for investment.

Nice information shared, thanks for sharing. :cheer:

So. Its not good to go with that.. I thought the same..


I am really appalled by some misinformation presented by members here. I wonder why does not anyone check the FAQ of the official site before making a misinformed statement here.

I have prepared my own FAQ for you all and I hope it may solve all your queries.

1. Is the site free to join?

Yes, the site is completely free to join and you don't have to pay anything. It is just like faceboom or Google+.

2. Is it compulsory to buy vshares?

No, not at all. You don't have to purchase vshare at all. Buying vshares is completely optional.

3.Why didn't I get vshare when I joined?

When I posted this, zurker allotted 1 vshare for everyone who signed up, but due to members abusing this by creating fake accounts, they stopped this and now they allot vshares to your referrals.

4. Is this a good site to join?

Well only time will answer that. As of now, I would not advise anyone to spend a huge amount of time on this site. It is still growing and personally, I would wait for a year or two, before the company finds it's way.

5.Do I recommend anyone to buy Zurker shares?

NOOOOOOO, Not at all. I would not recommend anyone to buy shares of Zurker. It is still in nascent stage and havn't found a sustainable way of income. So don't invest anything in this as of now. Though you can still earn shares by referring.

I think the above are the most asked questions. Anyways, I personally don't understand why a big fuss is made of zurker and vshares. As I have said countless times in my post, just sign up and forget. If the company kicks off good, if it doesn't then you would have wasted only 2 minutes.

I hope this clears the air for everyone.
So my initial thoughts about this site are turning out to be true!!

Chinmoy, nothing has changed with the site so we still can't make conclusions or rush to judgement.

Honestly, it would be atleast a year before we can pass up any judgement on the site.

Facebook took more than 3 years to establish itself(It was established in 2004). And I am not counting the years of it's predecessor Facemash. And note, I am saying it only established itself and not making money as a business.

It started making money by advertising only couple of years back. Now just imagine if you would have even bought one vshare (If atall facebook offered) when it was launched and now when facebook comes out with shares next month, would not you have grabbed the opportunity.

Also, we should remember that Zurker is neither asking money from members nor is it forcing anyone to use it. Also, the company is legit and not a scam. So I would refrain passing any negative remarks on a business startup that is still in Beta stage.

Also, would you approve of someone who calls a scam? I mean when it started authors would have to trust that it would pay right? Also, back then it would still have taken months to earn a payout. So if at that time, no one trusted Boddunan and joined, would be even discussing this right now.

As a side note, if you do a careful study of Boddunan, you will find more loopholes in this site than on Zurker. Personally I am neither affiliated with Boddunan or Zurker, it is just that I am always in search for truth and don't rest till I find it. Plus I believe in neutral opinions no matter how I love and adore things.
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