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Arun Jain You Regularly saying Signup that Site can you Tell me One reason that give Me satisfaction sothat i can Signup your site or Blog Whatever it.Now i am signup for your site but one thing i cannot understand it tell you may give Different Email Id and Password what Does its Means.
Arun thanks you have provided many infomation.I will sure visit this site.
I am just trying to what it basically is! A lure or something to be really excited about. Being a person of the commercial world with fair bit of experience of management of issue of securities to the public,I am not yet able to crystallize anything about it with what the site says and your limited explanation.

Commercial and particularly legal terms are full of significant meanings and when those are used quite liberally can be quite confusing.So what is being touted as share - of any kind - is not at all a share as is understood in the strict conventional sense. It can be at best thought of as a vague promise with its legal enforeceability uncertain. A sign-up is not creating any legal effects without a legal instrument being executed and exchanged between or amongst parties.

Vshare as I understand looks like notional credit which is being promised to be honoured at a future without any document to enforce it.Here I also need to point out that ownership as a legal concept not only gives birth to rights,it does give birth liablities too!

I think this entity - as I am not sure of its present ownership structure - is trying to grow by employing a smart ploy of luring prospective members with the a mere promise and promises are neither agreements nor have they any contractual obligations.
I am just trying to what it basically is! A lure or something to be really excited about. Being a person of the commercial world with fair bit of experience of management of issue of securities to the public,I am not yet able to crstallize anything about it with what the site says and your limited explanation.

Commercial and particularly legal terms are full of significant meanings and when those are used quite liberally can be quite confusing.So what is being touted as share - of any kind - is not at all a share as is understood in the strict conventional sense. It can be at best thought of as a vague promise with its legal enforeceability uncertain. A sign-up is not creating any legal effects without a legal instrument being executed and exchanged between or amongst parties.

Vshare as I understand looks like notional credit which is being promised to be honoured at a future without any document to enforce it.Here I also need to point out that ownership as a legal concept not only gives birth to rights,it does give birth liablities too!

I think this entity - as I am not sure of its present ownership structure - is trying to grow by employing a smart ploy of luring prospective members with the a mere promise and promises are neither agreements nor have they any contractual obligations.

What you have stated is totally right and I have explained the same thing in my above posts. As the name suggests those are virtual credits and virtual shares and Zurker is in no way liable to fulfill their promise.

But Chinmoy, this is the Internet and here a promise have far more binding effect especially a promise made to 1,000,000 users. And that too it is a social networking site which will make money in the future only because of their users. Any social marketing site in any way can't afford to be in the bad books of it's users because they won't be getting any advertisements then and won't make any money.

And let me tell you what Zurker is trying to achieve here. It is trying to create a user base (As I mention in my above post, a smart marketing plan). It is best way to get a headstart for a new social networking site when there is already facebook and google+ in the market.

Any site that wants to attract advertisers has to share demographic information of the users (not individually identifiable) with the advertisers so that advertisers know that the site has a user base and running ads on this site would be profitable.

Even if Boddunan wants direct advertisers it would have to do that.

And chinmoyji, I have been on the receiving end of both venture funding and angel investors funding (The amount isn't big at all, so any of you reading this don't think I have created the next Microssoft somewhere) So I do know how shares work and the legality of it.

But if you see my original post, I do state that it is a novel concept and if the company is offering a share for free, I think it is worth your 5 minutes of signup. After that I think you should wait and watch till April when the site is publicly launched. That's what I have done.

Also, Chinmoy, don't ya think using strong negative words like lure which often is associated with trap is wrong. Nothing is proved yet. IT is like calling someone a criminal even before the crime has happened.

This is all pure conjecture.

I have given my side of my understanding and let the readers stop and think! As to your description of the use of word 'lure' as negative and suggestive of a 'trap',I would not buy it!! I think in the very next sentence you have veered off from the issue I raised by - "calling someone criminal..." and that sort of! Here I end!!

I have given my side of my understanding and let the readers stop and think! As to your description of the use of word 'lure' as negative and suggestive of a 'trap',I would not buy it!! I think in the very next sentence you have veered off from the issue I raised by - "calling someone criminal and that sort of!!" Here I end!!

Yea, I agree let's readers decide for themselves. And I havn't veered off, was just using an analogy to show how I personally feel the usage of the word is not correct. May be an extreme analogy but conveys my meaning nonetheless. We can't call someone a guilty before an act of crime is made. At most I would it a smart marketing plan that's it. It is a new start-up and it will do everything in it's capacity to flourish and thrive.

Also, it is based on co-op model and follows all principles of it. It even has an open accounting book which you can directly see on their site.

And yea, if I find anything misleading about the company I would be the first to report it as well. But so far all looks good.

And now I would stop too. Readers decide for yourselves.
Ya it is an indifferent site than others but nothing special.O have also joined it.

I felt like ending it but your feeling about my incorrect use of the word has forced me to be back to add a few lines in this regard. I don't know if you have any legal background and I can cite innumberable Supreme verdicts where this particular word 'lure' in relation to 'smart' marketing practices, has been used by the learned judges.I accept that my English is not that strong but here I feel confident enough about its correctness.
As long as the site does not ask us to invest our money, they are not guilty of any misappropriation of public funds. Mere logging in and getting V share does no harm. We need not raise any controversy at this stage.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: Arun Jain
@ Arun,
Site is good with some extra features.i have joined but no share is credited.
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