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Yes in my case twenty four hours passed but no share credited still now.
Arun confirm to us if it is a fake site it is just a time waste matter.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

Arun they did not give me share its already 24 hours completed. :(

Sasikant check your account, you must have already got vcredit. You then have to convert your vcredit to vshares.

Other than that I really have no idea. Mine was applied within a few hours after my verification and guslhanji has also received the credit.
Arun confirm to us if it is a fake site it is just a time waste matter.

The site is in Beta and by beta it means there ought to be glitches. And Sasikant I am in no position to confirm it is fake or not. It is too early to tell. Wait and watch is the name of the game for now.
Nothing personal - man! You are entitled to your views as I am of mine!


A little bit of controversy is not bad in life! Had I not raised this many won't have the learning experience of knowing so many aspects of public issue like equity,virtual shares,angel investors,venture capital and all the legal aspects of it.What do you to say on this ?

I am not opposed to raising the issue. This made people cautious. If a public issue comes or any cash is demanded for eshare or promoter share or anything, we need be alert. As long as we do not part with our money, all is okay.

Totally with you. Thats what my approach is and I guess this should be the approach of everyone. DOn't invest any real money. Just signup early and wait.
[quote]gulshan kumar ajmani wrote:
chinmoymukherjee wrote:
Nothing personal - man! You are entitled to your views as I am of mine!


A little bit of controversy is not bad in life! Had I not raised this many won't have the learning experience of knowing so many aspects of public issue like equity,virtual shares,angel investors,venture capital and all the legal aspects of it.What do you to say on this ?

I am not opposed to raising the issue. This made people cautious. If a public issue comes or any cash is demanded for eshare or promoter share or anything, we need be alert. As long as we do not part with our money, all is okay.

Totally with you. Thats what my approach is and I guess this should be the approach of everyone. DOn't invest any real money. Just signup early and wait. [/quote]

Actually the total exchange was a very enlightening one and I think there should be such discussions on issues such this one, it really gives us lowly beings a little more knowledge than we would otherwise get elsewhere! :laugh: :)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you said by: chinmoymukherjee, Arun Jain
Where will we get VCREDIT .I can not see it,and still now no share credited in my account.
Where will we get VCREDIT .I can not see it,and still now no share credited in my account.

Check the riht hand corner of the page when you are logged into Zurker. You will see that you have 1 vcredit and you can convert that in shares. Your profile will show 0 vshares till you convert your vcredit into shares.
Where will we get VCREDIT .I can not see it,and still now no share credited in my account.

Check the riht hand corner of the page when you are logged into Zurker. You will see that you have 1 vcredit and you can convert that in shares. Your profile will show 0 vshares till you convert your vcredit into shares.

but, i didnt find any vcredit in my account. Can anyone help on this? How to get vshare.?

No vcredit in my account still now. I have followed total steps but no credit.
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