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I will take the decission at last movement only i will take the advice from every one and decide.
Yes I had taken decision in last moment is joining of Boddunan which gave me lot of success and earnings.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

Some time I get confused to take any decision and leave it for the last moment.My all last moment decision come out fruitfully.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Frankly speaking very few of our decisions taken at the last moment or in a hurry turn out to be of questionable kind. Decision-making is a process and best decisions are all well-thought ones which require thinking demanding reasonable time!

I agree and in most cases any decision taken in a hurry without much thought given to it can turn out to be disastrous.But at times you are left with no choice and have to take a decision on the spur of the moment and at such times it is better to listen to your gut feeling rather than anything else, thats what I feel,,,

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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