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taking decision at the last moment is create very difficulty and lots of confusion. it is very difficult to take best decision
But the ability of taking quick decision is very good though it is very difficult.
Last moment decision may not often give good result thought we dont have any option to escape from it completely..I think car race and online game are not in this category.. I think cancellation of train ticket is one example for it. ;) where smart decision is needed
Welcome on board SJ sir, do you like to play some games I mean online games? I would love to play chess with you.

No i don't play online games :P and specially those which we have to do within time limit. :laugh:

What about car need to play spontaneously taking quick decisions. isn't it?

But in real life they can be harmful one must think twice before taking any decision. Doing anything in haste is always dangerous. :)
But sometime we have to take decision in last moment and being confident it should be taken and u will get success.
As we take decisions at last moment when we feel it is correct and best. and i have seen and experienced also

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I think there are various decision of my life,which i have taken at the last time.
Yes,this has cost me and it is still costing.
But,some were very good.
It is really difficult to decide or to take a decision.

Want to make each day Accountable

But sometime we have to take decision in last moment and being confident it should be taken and u will get success.

Yes sometimes we don't get time to take decisions and we have to take decision fast. :blink: Like if someone is injured seriously and you have admitted him/her in hospital and doctor says you to take decision for the surgery of that person in that case you will have to take decision fast without waiting for his family members to reach hospital. :blink:
I have seen as well as experience that when humans have to take quick decision,he/she has to open all his/her senses to think over the decision.

In Examination,i have experienced.

Want to make each day Accountable

Decision at last moment will always like win or loss. in my job i have to take my last decision. i have to inspect the garments which supplier has produced. if the quality of the product is not good then, i have to take last minute decision of passing the goods are rejecting the goods. if i pass, then claim from buyer will come after 3-4 months. if we reject supplier needs to ship the goods by air. so,i make a final decision. normally i decide to pass the goods under my risk. it will be always thrill. Upto now still no goods has been came back for the last 8 years. :lol:

oh great keep going... :) :) :) :) :)
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