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If you are a confident enough that you must take a right decission at last then take it...................
My cae is just the opposite one. Last moment I have taken right decision. I stick to that decision firmly.
we were searching for a plot to build our dream home till last Sunday. Last sunday, we liked a plot after seeing 100's of plots in past 3-4 months. We even agreed. But some how, when we were taking reverse of our car to return, we find that road is very narrow. Also, no scope of broadening in future. Yet, we took a decision thinking for a while, though it's very near public road that we don't need that plot.
In the evening, we got another plot just near to that one....that also in a surprising price......2/3 rd of the previous price. So, we bought extra land.
So, we were really happy that the decision we took really proved worth.

Meera sandhu
I don't have such experience. Frankly saying i can't take any decision at the last minute. Others have to take any decision for me. :( :(
We should not risk our self to take decision at last, but what if the situation comes like this? If we don't have such type of experience, then we could find our self in problem.

Want to make each day Accountable

We should not risk our self to take decision at last, but what if the situation comes like this? If we don't have such type of experience, then we could find our self in problem.

Sometimes situation demands for our quick decisions and actions and it depends on our power to carry those decisions to actions that result in success

Meera sandhu
We should not risk our self to take decision at last, but what if the situation comes like this? If we don't have such type of experience, then we could find our self in problem.

Sometimes situation demands for our quick decisions and actions and it depends on our power to carry those decisions to actions that result in success

If we are not having that smartness, in us, then we can't take quick decision.

Want to make each day Accountable

We should not risk our self to take decision at last, but what if the situation comes like this? If we don't have such type of experience, then we could find our self in problem.

Sometimes situation demands for our quick decisions and actions and it depends on our power to carry those decisions to actions that result in success

If we are not having that smartness, in us, then we can't take quick decision.

Sometimes an idea may strick our mind quickly and it will be most apt for the situation. But now, I can't remember even a single incident to quote :huh: :huh:

Meera sandhu
Often I heard from my mother that to take any decision think it first and go for it.But some times decision taken at the last moment works great or sometimes it may fail.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Often I heard from my mother that to take any decision think it first and go for it.But some times decision taken at the last moment works great or sometimes it may fail.

Actually, no one of us want to take decisions at the last moment. Circumstances pave its way so :dry:

Meera sandhu
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