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Yes Kalyani has rightly pointed out that IQ is high in today's generation but Eq level is dipping all time low now.
Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
[quote]To my mind the way kids are being brought up today, innocence is the greatest casualty! Simple joy is missing in their lives at the graveyard of expectations making them more prone to dpression and worse at the dawn of adulthood! [/quote]

Yes, its true, in a bid to make their children win the rat race of scoring marks their innocence is being compromised. I know so many children who are rushed form one hobby class to another without any proper time to let them play as they desire. All in a bid to making them well-rounded persons, which ironically will happen only when they are able to do what they want to!

What Sandhya quoted is a perfect example of zero EQ! Children as young as 8 and 10 years are resorting to suicides because4 they are unable to process the negative thoughts into positive!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Friends what you said is right.The children who born earlier 15-20 years have more IQ level than present generation.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Friends what you said is right.The children who born earlier 15-20 years have more IQ level than present generation.

not IQ but EQ

Meera sandhu
not IQ but EQ

Sandhya Rani what is the meaning of your answer. I didnt understand. can you please explain?

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

not IQ but EQ

Sandhya Rani what is the meaning of your answer. I didnt understand. can you please explain?

Read the whole posts under this article.then you will understand it more easily.

Meera sandhu
Level of intelligence depends on surroundings and technology. Presently, there are gadgets like mobile phones, video games, computer etc. This has added to intelligence. However, present generation has lesser capacity to memorize and make even simple calculation without aid of calculator.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Level of intelligence depends on surroundings and technology. Presently, there are gadgets like mobile phones, video games, computer etc. This has added to intelligence. However, present generation has lesser capacity to memorize and make even simple calculation without aid of calculator.

Gulshan ji, you are correct as the Intelligence of a children purely depends on the surroundings and technology only.

These are at best resources which provide access to a huge base of information and the kids need that cognitive ability to develop themselves as mature human beings - they must be capable of differentiating good and bad to develop morality and right emotional intelligence. Only flood of data is not going to take them anywhere!
Childrens in their early age get everything easily. Technology has made such changes.The way of living is changing and matter of fact,Childrens are becoming more intelligent.

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