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Now the generation is more fast due to the development of technology so their iq raised.

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not IQ but EQ

Sandhya Rani what is the meaning of your answer. I didnt understand. can you please explain?

Read the whole posts under this article.then you will understand it more easily.

IQ- means 'intelligence quotient. This is computed by Mental age/ chronological age. If a child is mentally retarded, IQ will be less. Thus if a child is 15 years old but has intelligence of 10 years old, IQ will be 10/15 or 2/3. This is a topic in psychology. I do not know what EQ means.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It is true that the IQ level of children is now much more than previous generations, thanks to exposure to all kinds of information systems and easy access to a lot of educational material! Yet sadly, the EQ level or the emotional intelligence is decreasing because of which the children are having a hard time to adapt and adjust to others as normal human beings!

As Kalyani has quote,
EQ is emotional Intelligence which is decreasing in the present generation though their IQ is increasing. That's why new generation is not able to withstand even small difficulties in life.

Meera sandhu
High IQ is desirable but it has to be coupled with equal degrees of emotional intelligence, without which a person may become mechanical without human attributes such as warmth and caring for others and others' problems!

A link to my article on what it is all about!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

yes children today are more smarter than we used to be.....they are more adaptive and more inquisitive than we used to be......

In present generation children have very good IQ. They grasp things with in a seconds. They are more intellegent

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

[quote]Is IQ level of a child born now more than a child born 15-20 years back? If so, isn't it a positive sign that the world is more developing in its culture and civilization?

I think you are right. Before 15 or 20 years back we did not get T.v. or Mobile or pc, now after birth a child see or get all these things.[/quote]

yes are right.
Easy access of mobiles and computers have made kids more intelligent.

Meera sandhu
Intelligence Quotient level definitely increase generation to generation.
Yes....I agree...
I am sure, our kid is more intelligent than we two. sometimes, I feel surprised seeing her actions and thinking.

Meera sandhu
change is the only word that doesn't change. As per Darwins Theory we are come from one cell.

one cell - plant - animal - man

Now there is no other change is possible. So intelligent level is increasing its higher level.
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