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Records are nothing but milestones on our way to the ultimate destination!
Chinmoy jee is having a lot of points-79004

Madugundu krishna he is the top earner of the site.

Fastest Moderator in the site Ronark.

Senior as per age of the Site- Gulshan Ji.

Most thanks received- Gulshan ji-153

Most posts posted -Gulshan ji-10835

Most profile views-Maverick-1271 views

Highest posts-Gulshan ji.

Well done Man ! you might have done lot of search in this.
Thanks for providing this statistics.

Want to make each day Accountable

Records are made to be broken. So,lets try and do good in this site.

Want to make each day Accountable

These are there to inspire the ones who have joined and would be joining in future! Only honest efforts enabled these records to be made!
yes, these records inspire everyone in the boddunan and the new joining also. and they can broke also

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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