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yes sasi this is true about boddunan and this is a thing of proud that i too a members of this great site boddunan.
I think whoever has done it for boddunan is a living proof of their hard work and sheer love than anything else!
Chinmoy jee is having a lot of points-79004

Madugundu krishna he is the top earner of the site.

Fastest Moderator in the site Ronark.

Senior as per age of the Site- Gulshan Ji.

Most thanks received- Gulshan ji-153

Most posts posted -Gulshan ji-10835

Most profile views-Maverick-1271 views

Highest posts-Abidareacode.

Sasikanth , I don't understand my record !Can you explain?

Visit my blogs:
Abid you have posted 10438 posts no one had reached this goal here.So you are the 10000+ posted record holder here.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

[quote]I think whoever has done it for boddunan is a living proof of their hard work and sheer love than anything else! [/quote]

I agree! :)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Great to know these achiever .Congrats to everybody.
Abid you have posted 10438 posts no one had reached this goal here.So you are the 10000+ posted record holder here.

Thanks to know about the achievers sasi, its really very interesting to work over here..

I was the first to cross 10000.But now look Gulshanji is in front of me.

Visit my blogs:

You are at the front at the moment and Gulshanji is just following you!
Great to know these achiever .Congrats to everybody.

Records are made to be broken. Soon there could be a new record holder.
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