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Learning is a continuous process and it becomes real when there is a meaningful meeting of the mind of a teacher and that of a pupil. Though a learner is the most important factor but the teacher has no less an important place in the organized education pattern. So, in this case, a teacher needs to be a person of both head and heart...!
yes, class teacher can concentrate on weak students by spending more time like study hours and all

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

It is not possible to take care of each and every student but there is a way the class teacher know that which student is weak by concentrating on them it will be easy for to improve weak students also.

i agree....teachers need to understand who their weaker students are and concentrate a bit more on them.hence dropout can be reduced.
Class teacher can give more attention to weak students. And if drop -outs here means decreasing no of admission in school then there are many reasons like poverty, illiteracy of parents and various other reasons for it.

the reasons you have provided are quite true...poverty makes children into child labourers and make them skip schools. illiteracy and unemployment of parents are other factors.
Really sorry that you people were not able to understand the post. Thanks to deepak for explaining it. Dropouts in schools and colleges are increasing year by year. I think those kind of students should be given special attention. The reasons behind these dropouts are many, the main one being family problems. The teacher to student ratio is the main concern. If we introduce a system like two class teachers(can be called staff advisors) for a class, the students can be observed well.
Thank you said by: deepak
Really sorry that you people were not able to understand the post. Thanks to deepak for explaining it. Dropouts in schools and colleges are increasing year by year. I think those kind of students should be given special attention. The reasons behind these dropouts are many, the main one being family problems. The teacher to student ratio is the main concern. If we introduce a system like two class teachers(can be called staff advisors) for a class, the students can be observed well.

the idea is worth noting.but all this comes down to increasing the number of teachers in i not clear whether the government will be ready to take such actions.
When i was a teacher i used to learn subjects to students by making them able to remember every answer by speaking it again n again .

I think as a teacher you are supposed to teach not learn!
When i was a teacher i used to learn subjects to students by making them able to remember every answer by speaking it again n again .

that is really good to hear.but such individual attention cannot be provided in higher classes.
K Deepak why do you think that individual attention cannot be given in higher classes? Please clarify.
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