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If their idea as I understood from the post is to make the rich pay more to help the poor meritorious students with that money,then I appreciate that!

that is exactly their ideology..almost all charitable institutions work on this idea.
Kalyani mam the school will collect for a student.In future the poor people cant study in schools.

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Such an arrangement exists in the shpere of health and education in the private sector and the government gives land free or at a very low price with a stipulation that certain percentage of seats or beds is reserved for the poor and needy but there is none to oversee it. Even AMRI's case that condition was grossly violated!
many of the properly run charitable educational institutions indeed give free education to the south amritha vidyalaya institutions is a perfect example.
I know of many Christian missinaries as well as other religious charitable institutions to be doing a great job in this regard.
this institutions really helps to reduce the number of dropouts as they can identify with the poor more than anybody else.
I have personal experience of their excellent work in the Nort-East region our country.
but many christian missionaries are being abused for inducting many kids into one thinks about the fate of those kids..!!!!!!!!!
Some of these are known to be doing that.But the ones which are operating in my area are really doing a fantastic job.
that is good to hear...more such institutes must come to the fore...
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