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The sheer magnitude of numbers of students create practical difficulties in providing individual attention. And the latest IT tools could be extensively used by having virtual class rooms to address this issue.
of course it is only for students of 6th n 7th class .For higher class students i used to make them sit until they learn the particular subject.
Few schools are there,where a teacher gives an individual attention to a student. But,i don't think we could make whole system like this. Exceptions will be there

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induvidual attention should be provided in lower age classes.but in higher classes,it is upto the students to decide whether to study or not.
I won't make any such distinction as such when the question is one of paying greater individual attentio. Our old system was able to take care of it which is not possible in the face of incresing number of student and skewed student-teacher ratio.Hence I would like some imaginative solution using IT technologies!
more student friendly ideas needs to be utilizes by the schools to cover up the teacher: student ratio problem.that is one way to go...
In a country like ours the investment in education sector has been very poor and with the advent private capital some improvements have been there but the cost has become unafforable!
number of private cbse schools have increased in every nook and corner . but the fees demand has increased heavily.
Now a days the government schools also taking care of the children. :) :)

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[quote]Really sorry that you people were not able to understand the post. Thanks to deepak for explaining it. Dropouts in schools and colleges are increasing year by year. I think those kind of students should be given special attention. The reasons behind these dropouts are many, the main one being family problems. The teacher to student ratio is the main concern. If we introduce a system like two class teachers(can be called staff advisors) for a class, the students can be observed well. [/quote]

I would just like to point out that dropouts mainly occur in children belonging to economically lower strata. These children mostly attend government run schools with very less number of qualified teachers in proportion to the number of children. Otherwise private schools already have a system wherein each class gets two teachers plus one teaching assistant and charge a bomb from the parents!

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