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Oh my god its unbelievable. these many people having swiss account that means many people are taking Government money and changing it into black money and deposting in swiss account. This is really bad on politicians

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

yes your idea is good but I don't think practically that is possible.Tax evasion is a crime should be remembered by all.
Sarala they are not taking government money they are taking our money and saving as black money.

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Yes indian are earing black money they does not want to give black money detail to government so they make swiss account.
government is mum regarding this matter...and it is not hard to say that swiss banks survive because of the indian black money...
This topic never ceases to enthuse us but a pragmatic solution lies in Indian government approaching Swiss authorities and enter into agreement to deduct withholding taxes on the interst on these account and repatriate the same to us as UK did!
UK did it....but the case was banks were caught by the UK authorities with proof about illegal transactions..for not disclosing those documents, swiss banks had to accept the terms which UK will never happen again..
I don't know the source of your information . Would you elaborate? As far as my knowledge goes such agreements are there with other countries.
swiss banks have agree ments with many countries. But handing over the black money is not among them.the banks helps the countries to identify tax evasions. But no country can force swiss banks to reveal it.
To Swiss banks it's just money - no such label is there. According to the latest developments they are very much agreeable to reveal them!
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