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swiss bankks care about money. I agree and thats the point here....the most number of depositors in swiss banks do not agree to having their acccounts verified by the government.
There are many banks that offer higher interest rayes than swiss..question is why them..?answer is safe and secure.

The point that I have been trying to make is that the kind of secrecy that used to be there in maintaining these accounts on the part of Swiss banks is no longer as rigid and various government have been taking advatange of this relaxation but our government is not at all serious about it. The reasons are not too far to seek!
i agree with you that our government needs to take ths issue more seriously. The money needs to be brought back soon
This can be done by changing the currency so the black money will come back so fastly.

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For every ten years changing in money system makes eradication of black money in our country.

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That sounds too simplistic!!
For every ten years changing in money system makes eradication of black money in our country.

i don't think that is possible. i remember you raising this idea in another discussion dome time back..but the idea of changing currency every ten years seems like Alice in wonderland.
Change of currency would not materially alter the value!
Thank you said by: deepak
afte the swiss accounts have come under the scanner of the government many induviduals have switched from the swiss to the seychelles and london banks.
What we need is a government that is most sincere in fighting this menace!
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