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verify and trust is the correct i will follow the same one.

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In some cases you can trust and verify too and in some cases we can only trust and need not verify - our mothers!!
In some cases you can trust and verify too and in some cases we can only trust and need not verify - our mothers!!

that is quite an example...but in the case of anna hazare ans his activities it is better to verify and then trust..........
Yes, it's all case and person specific! We can't afford to lose our guards!
Thank you said by: deepak
Swiss account is a place where black money are store of different countries indian people also use a swiss account.
In India to get account in any bank there will be alot of verifications and some person should be known by the bank. someone should refer us whom bank know. But In swiss bank If we have alot of money they will give the account for us. there is no verification and no formalities. Thats why most of the celebrity save their money in swiss account.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

pranab mukherjee on publishing the names of account holders public.........

"If I publish it, same country will say you violated the Agreement and we will not share information in future...We will dry up our source of information," the Minister argued
To avoid black money we need to change currency every ten years.So there wont be no need of swiss accounts.

Do you think it is possible to introduce the new currency for every 10years. Does any country is doing this?

It has been pointed out that currency replacement is not going to affect this problem.

About Pranab Mukherjee's assertion that any such disclosure would violate the stipulation of the agreement, I just want what prevents him from moving strongly against those persons based on that information and he owes to the people of India as to how many such actions have been taken by the government.
By reading this forum i learnt 2 things.
1. verify and trust
2.dont believe anyone blindly
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Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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