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oh I did not know that it is not good for people with kidney stones.Thanks for information Sarala and Sasikanth.
Old people should avoid tomato eating excess. because due to tomato they will suffer wilt leg pain

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Some people use tomato to treat high blood pressure,osteoarthritis,the common cold,chills,and digestive disorders.

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Tomatoes contain a chemical called lycopene, which is thought to play a role in preventing cancer. It’s easier for the body to use lycopene that comes from tomato products, such as tomato paste or tomato juice, than from fresh tomatoes

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Tomatos even contain citric acid and this is a vegetable which is available in all seasons.

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Tomato juices are also helpful in curing bone diseases apart from the other uses mentioned by members.
Thanks shashi for giving us such a wonderful tips for making face fresh.
sasi and sarala thanks for your valuable tips on usage of tomato...

Tomato is very important vegetable for preparing any dish tomato is required and it gives a great tast to the dish

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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