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The applying of tomato juice to face makes face free from oil and cleanes the skin from dust and makes the face fresh. :)

Hi Sasiknath,

Me and Deepak already doing a conversation about the invaluable and extra topics on forums.

Please don't mind but this topic which you raised just about the tomato juice is not the valuable at forums.

You can collect some more information about it benefits and can post a article then will be much better.
Thank you said by: deepak
Hi Lohit

Can you publish some forums here as a senior member.You can show to us which type of topics we must post or not so that we can do that.

If you start walking we alll will follow you.

So that this makes all of us better.

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Yes. Sure i will do.
As soon as i will get time to do it in a good manner.
But i request you all to think first before posting.
Thank you said by: deepak
while cooking any curry that may be veg or non veg if you have added more chili or salt then adding tomato in it will reduces the salt and chili and gives a good taste

Thanks for the both tips sarala. But this tip is for oil skin because it will absorb the oil .
while cooking any curry that may be veg or non veg if you have added more chili or salt then adding tomato in it will reduces the salt and chili and gives a good taste

Adding potato is also helpful to absorb the excess salt in the dish.
But we by adding tomato we can reduce the taste of chili in the curry

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

yes girls spend lot of money for facial and clean-ups but tomato can help you clear of your blackheads and can get you rid of taning as well. It is the beat anti-tanning and anti-ageing vegetable.
We can use tomato juice to clean the coins which are stained and not clear

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Wow i got too many usefull information abt tomato thanks to sasi and salara especially...

Eating tomatos help us in producing more blood in our body and it is good for health

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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