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Thanks for giving this good idea to make this statement it is really a helpful for me.
WE can store tomatoes in refrizeration for long time. these are the only vegetable which be fresh for more time

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes it makes face feeling fresh and good for the skin.
Eating raw tomato is far better than cooking tomato and eating

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Tip to loose diet with tomato

eating two tomatoes in early in morning helps to reduce weigth.

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Tomato is a good blood purifier.The tomato contains a wide variety of nutritional elements not only good for the skin but good for overall health.

Be positive
Yes,tomato is very good vegetable for our health. It is useful to us in many way.

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But the persons who is suffering with severe Breath and kidney problems must avoid the tomato.

Doctors dont prefer this in this type of cases.

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yes, you right, people who have kidney stones should avoid tomato because it helps in preparing stones in kidney and this cause pain in kid to the people

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

This is more dangerous for people who is having stones in kidney.

This improves stones in kidneys.

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