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13 years ago
Pollution under control tests made compulsory for the vehicles have also helped a great deal. A strict check should be maintained on industries that are likely to pollute the atmosphere...!
13 years ago
THere are many vehicles with out dated which are giving more pollution that vehicles must be ceased.
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13 years ago
We have to teach our children the effect of noise pollution and how to control the pollution .So that in future it will come down.
13 years ago
There is an urgent need for citizens' bodies to keep a vigil on the activities of realtor and corrupt municipal and government officials in denuding our living spaces of all greenery.
13 years ago
Air is very important element of human health. Respiratory system of human body must not be disturbed or damaged so that the victim is not compelled to face untimely death...!
13 years ago
We have polluted almost everything that Mother Nature has gifted us and the results are all for us to see!
13 years ago
yes after diwali pollution is grow very fastly as it emits a lots of smoke that invoove in atmosphere.
13 years ago
At the time of diwali the pollution level will be high due to crackers.
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13 years ago
We can learn so many things from some Western countries in this regard. Some of famous and populous cities of the world do not sacrifice greenery for their phsical needs for expansion.Our big cities are being systematically being denuded of green cover!
13 years ago
many foreign countries are taking too many care for pollution control to keep their environment clean.
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