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13 years ago
Even in our country India also taking lot of precautions on pollution but most of the people are not following those seriously
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
13 years ago
But, still too much pollution is creating due to hike of industries and vehicles. govt need to take an serious action against pollution.
13 years ago
Every day nearly 50000 vehicles are coming on the road it is not possible to control it.
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13 years ago
The awareness about pollution is less in India. we must start educate about pollution in school level ,so that it will control.
13 years ago
Many of us who stay in big cities suffer from problems related to pollution, even though very few people realize this. Now, slowly even our villages too are beginning to get affected...!
13 years ago
Awareness is compulsary required with punishments so people will change with this.
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13 years ago
Awareness is compulsary required with punishments so people will change with this.
Correct, unless and until a sense of hygienic hazards can be grown in the minds of people, the curse of pollution can hardly be removed from the society...!
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