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13 years ago
THis is not done by us but the government should keep this rule if any one not followed should be fined.
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13 years ago
This is obvious. Just a year ago, people protesed for green revolution and Global warming, all has come to an end. This due to the fun of playing with crackers in Diwali. Lets hope for good.
13 years ago
Yes, sasi is correct government should pass some rules. I feel why our Indian Government make some changes and follow the rules as foreign countries do
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
13 years ago
pollution is growing from smoke of cigar to smoke of jet planes and rockets.
13 years ago
Diwali may be a very auspicious festival. But lighting fire crackers make it one of the most polluted festivals throughout the year. The best thing is not to burn firecrackers, especially those that make loud sounds. This results in smoke pollution as well as noise pollution.
13 years ago
green house gases like carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide are in big ratio in air . huge count of trees is required to control pollution.
13 years ago
we all talk about pollution. But the truth is,none of us have a viable solution to solve this.
13 years ago
Pollution level on daily basis increases with some ratio but after Diwali, it has raised drastically and could result in melting of ice at the poles.
13 years ago
Really,if we don't take seriously then this pollution is going to affect much in the future.
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13 years ago
WE should take alot of precuations for protecting from pollution :
Some of the precautions:
1. while going out side try to cover your hair.
2. After coming from outside try to wash your face or better to take bath.
Some of the precautions:
1. while going out side try to cover your hair.
2. After coming from outside try to wash your face or better to take bath.
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
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