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Even this may be my last diwali in my home as next year i may be get married

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Diwali is a festival of lights and gaiety. This is also a festival for cleanliness. It is good to celebrate this in spirit of happiness, joy, cleanliness.

But we should avoid giving or taking of official gifts (which is annual bribe) to government departments, gambling and consuming liqueur on this day.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: ajay
I will light the lamps and enjoy with the crackers. :woohoo: :laugh: :cheer:

Earn money just for joining in this site.

Thank you said by: ajay
I will light candles and burn crackers,eat sweets,wear new clothes,greet people on Diwali. :)
Deepavali according to me is the most fun filled and enjoyable festival of all.I have great childhood memories of this festival which lasts for more than a week and even now I look forward to it every single year when we all get together and celebrate it..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

My Diwali article is published....
Have a look....
Yes, Diwali can't be separated from my's a part of my life indeed

Meera sandhu
Iam Christian and I will not celebrate the more. I will enjoy my holiday with TV and with some crackers.
Iam Christian and I will not celebrate the more. I will enjoy my holiday with TV and with some crackers.

Even lighting crackers is also one of the way to celebrate Diwali bit don't burn more crackers as it increase pollution. :)
Iam Christian and I will not celebrate the more. I will enjoy my holiday with TV and with some crackers.

Even lighting crackers is also one of the way to celebrate Diwali bit don't burn more crackers as it increase pollution. :)

pollution as well as wasting our hard earned money.
I feel dewali is a very good festival, but i dont know cracking crackers . If one or 2 are enough, but people spend some thousands of amount on crackers. this pollution and wastage of money. If we give that money to any orphanage they will live happily for a month atleast.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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